Re: [CR]Re: New vs Old

(Example: Framebuilders:Dario Pegoretti)

From: "Ivan Shukster" <>
To: <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: New vs Old
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 07:24:33 -0600


Actually it is still the weekend as we are celebrating Victoria Day today. The comment about selling the Doniselli was really tongue in cheek as I doubt if I will ever sell it. First real bike. And it is better than it was originally with a 52/48 chainring combination. Did not find the 48 small chainring great for hills. Also at 51 finding the 42 tooth not less for hill climbing than several years ago but harder on the left knee. I'll keep your comments on the drilling out in my mind (or better still keep the email so I have some chance of remembering it). When I go for a triple it will be for a decent bike whether old or new and prefer to wait until I can afford one (or justify to myself, it is harder for me to ever justify a purchase to myself than to my wife) I love the looks of lugs. My 1986 mtb, although only middle of the road as far as quality went was lugged constructed but the following year the same model was not. Definitely not as appealing. And that was comparing bikes with the same geometry and components only one year apart. Economics I guess.

Ivan Shukster
Medicine Hat, Alberta
1963/4 Doniselli
2001 Specialized Hard Rock
1986 BRC Columbus for running the dogs

----- Original Message -----
From: Mark
To: Ivan Shukster
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 6:05 PM
Subject: RE: [CR]Re: New vs Old

> I saw a pic of some old double ring Masi where the guy drilled for a third
> chainring and simply replaced his front derailler with a Campy Rally.He said
> it worked very well.I have a double on my old Masi; big one is a 53
> tooth.(Maybe the teeth on the big one shouldn't exceed ones age. I am 51
> <grin>) Haven't ridden it enough to tell if I am up to the task. I guess
> some of the better bike shops do this (drilling) for you.Anyway, thought I'd
> remind you of the option. If I had a Doniselli I would want to keep
> it.....Hope you had a nice weekend.
> Mark Cutrufelli (not an obscure bike name) in
> Laurel,MD
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Ivan Shukster
> Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 6:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: [CR]Re: New vs Old
> First of all I find this thread may be of great benefit to me in the
> future. My road bike is what? somewhere in the middle between the classic
> manufactures and the more mass produced or is it more top end (Doniselli
> from 63 or 64). But I do find that it only has a double crank does affect my
> one knee and am thinking in the future to obtain a triple crank for road
> riding. Is it possible to sell the Doniselli for more than I would pay for a
> good modern triple crank bike of somewhat the same quality? Will I be better
> off with an old classic bike or a modern one? Will the biggest difference
> be aesthetics (which are important as well)?
> The mention of used values to reflect quality is misleading. Used items
> are priced by how much one is willing to pay for it. Not long after mountain
> bikes became so popular, used road bikes (at least the less expensive ones)
> fell in price as people wanted mountain bikes. I was into photography
> during the end of the '70s and early '80s when programmable cameras became
> very popular and each year the previous models were left in the dust and
> became less expensive but the old manuals really dropped in price. Did they
> all of a sudden become items of less quality. Eventually I switched to an
> autofocus system that provides me with much better exposures than the manual
> one I had. View cameras are still a thing of beauty as well.
> Back to the bike content. It was mentioned that bikes were becoming
> disposable items like laptops. Sure, those who want the very "best" or
> newest will be selling a three year model and as it was an expensive one and
> those who can normally afford those will also want the best and newest,
> prices have to drop to attract buyers who either cannot afford the newest or
> are not that interested in it. Supply and demand. In 1986 I bought both a
> mountain bike and a computer. Bought a "replacement" bike last summer as
> needed another mtb anyway and am much happier with the new one than the old
> one. Replaced or updated the computer several times in that period. Current
> computers are 250 times faster than my 1986 model. If bikes had improved in
> speed that much I would not even own a car (or ever need to take plane rides
> LOL). People upgrade computers either to run new software or because time is
> money and more work in less time therefore more time to ride.
> My first mutlispeed bike was a hand me up (from my younger brother)
> Sears Free Spirit circ 1972. I dare anyone to find a worst made modern bike.
> Every ride meant fixing something else up.
> Ivan Shukster
> Medicine Hat, Alberta
> 1963/4 Doniselli
> 2001 Specialized Hard Rock
> 1986 BRC Columbus for running the dogs
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