Before anyone blows a gasket over the British & French group, can I perhaps reiterate and add to what Bruce said yesterday in respect of the above group ;
- It is not another CR like bike "discussion" list.
- It is a website
- It is devoted entirely to words,pictures, ephemera etc. relating to the bicycles from British & French manufacturers, small and large from any era up to present day.
- The information on it will come from a group of people, many of whom are currently members of the CR list.
- What group mailing will happen, will be to those people who have shown interest and will relate to additions and changes to the website.
- Dale is more than welcome to link to anything we have (as happens at present with other websites) for the benefit of the CR group / website.
- No one needs to read anything into any of this.
Those are the facts, what more can we say ?
Thank you for listening.
Bob Reid