Re: [CR]I just found a Raleigh Super Tourer

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Ideale)

Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 10:25:22 -0400
From: "Larry Osborn" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]I just found a Raleigh Super Tourer
In-Reply-To: <>

At 12:32 AM 5/21/02 -0400, you wrote:
>I got a call tonight to come look at a bike...and now its mine.
>It a 54cm c-t and I'm at least a 62cm but I couldn't turn down
>a Carlton-built DB main frame all 531otherwise.
>Anyone ever heard of this bike?
>What can you tell me about it?
>I found nothing at the regular Raleigh sites.
>Calvert Guthrie
>Kansas City

Calvert, et al:

The following is an edited accumulation of previous discussions of the ST. The story is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. Maybe some answers in there for you in addition to what has already been mentioned recently. Yes I know the Raleigh website catalogs are inaccessible at the moment. I can send specs pages to you from the catalogs I have laying around at home if you would like. Serial number would help narrow down the year. 74-76 maybe. Not certain about 77. They were getting seriously nasty component-wise by the time they disappeared. If yours is the Stronglight/Maillard/Huret equipped bike, you did good. Hope this helps Larry "just can't find one my size" Osborn

><What saddle did you put on yours. The 75/76 catalog I have shows a Brooks B66, but the 74 catalog shows a cheapo vinyl padded saddle.

The only other color I have seen is a brown, which was available as a 5 speed in 1974.

(Brown available later as a 10 speed I think. Not certain of year. Osborn. )

Thanks for the information, fellows. Mine is green with Stronglight crank w/ chainguard, and an extra chainring was supplied to make it a triple, Atom pedals, Maillard 700 hubs, Weinman 27" rims, Weinman Symetric brakes, Huret Jubilee derailleurs and DT shifters including a touring Jubilee rear, which I had not seen before, but it has a steel pulley cage. Saddle is Ideale 80, stem is SR (both of these I'm sure are replacements), however seller supplied a GB stem in addition, as well as a pump for the braze-on pump pegs with extra hose, and original instruction manual. Hbars are drop and appear to be GB (plain finish), and Weinman brake levers with original gum hoods (dry and cracked). Seller also included a Pletscher rack.

In fact the same seller had another one, brown (23", mine is 21") outfitted the same on ebay at the same time,

I had a green one back in the 70's that I got new in a shop I worked in, and it had drop bars, but I can't remember whether I changed them out or not. My plan for this one is to build it as shown in the '75 or '76 catalog with an upright GB bar and Brooks B66 saddle.

Check out the Raleigh catalog scans at Retro Raleighs, 1974 and 75. There is a detailed specifications page in each of the catalogs. Minor differences between those two years. Drastic differences in components after 75.

It's a nice frame. All butted Reynolds 531, chrome forks and stays, basic mid to upper end Raleigh, typical early 70s Raleigh quality, or lack thereof. Decent mid-quality lightweight components; Stronglight crank, Maillard hubs, Huret Jubilee ders. While it is called a touring bike, it doesn't have a triple crank. There wasn't much to choose from back than anyway in the way of triples.