Re: [CR]Re: vintage twizzlers

(Example: Bike Shops)

From: <>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 09:42:42 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: vintage twizzlers

Hi Gang: I spend most of my time on the list lurking and learning from the knowledge and experience of my fellow list members,and I beleive that we've thoroughly covered the topic of twizzlers even though I fail to see how it qualifies as a vintage bike related topic I feel it is somthing that I'am qualified to comment on. Ican't imagine a real biker enjoying any flavor other than the original black licorice.Strawberry,Cherry, Watermellon etc. is all new non-vintage fru- fru stuff. Sorry I can't join you for the big weekend,Have fun and take lots of pictures. Regards, Ed Landreth, Norfolk, VA.