hello folks.
ok ok so I'm a newbie
last sunday... a car hit me and totaled my 25 year old raleigh... and after bemoaning the loss of a great 2 wheeled friend i wandered on to ebay to shop for a new ride
when the smoke cleared... i was the owner of a 1981 woodrup... i paid 393.50 for it but whos counting...
i have shagged the internet but i can find precious little information about the bikes,.. just that they are still (lovingly) made in leeds.. and that new f rames are damn expensive.. for this teacher to pay for anyway
can anyone tell me woodrup stories .. or suggest how much tear it apart and grease bearings i need to to do to put it in shipshape order
i think i got a pretty good deal on a better than average bike
it seems to be a much higher quality bike than my old raleigh
in monterey california
(with a new bike and 25 stitches)