actually i just picked up the dealer catalog for both 1973 and 1975
paramounts yesterday. this is what it says. for 1973 it shows the P15-9
came with schwinn-approves alloy rims on campagnolo record high flange hubs.
it staes below that tubulars are available at an extra charge and that once
again "schwinn-approved alloy rims" were used. the P10-9 does not specify
wheels. the P13-9 also offers schwinn approved alloy rims, and there is a
tubular option. clement "50" tubular are standard with a campionato del
mondo is extra. the P14-0 track bike comes with schwinn-approved rims aqnd
clement no 3 silk tubulars.
for 1975 the catalog states:
for t he P13-9 it does not specify rims just says "aluminum alloy rims"
for the P14-0 track bike it specifies schwinn -approved 330 gram alloy
rims. the P15-9 aluminum alloy rims. the P10-9 the same.
that all that was listed in the catalogs i have.
i would be glad to copy them for anyone who wants.
sarah g