Re: [CR]Eddy Merckx

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

From: <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 02:23:27 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR]Eddy Merckx

In a message dated 7/10/02 11:34:33 PM, writes:

<< something, maybe 100deg F and 99% humidity. The course was a 20 mile loop, hilly. The night before I was invited to dinner with Mr. Kawai, Eddy and his manager, I don't remember his name. This town in the mountains had zero western amenities, we of course ate on tatami mats outside, still maybe 80 deg at night. Anyway, the dinner was wonderful, Eddy and I talked about bike design all night. The next day was the race. When Eddy was doing his star thing he asked me if he could use me bike to ride around the circuit. He had a suit on with dress shoes, so he asked if he could borrow my Sidi Ti shoes. Even though he had not raced in a long time he still had to cover the Sidi logo with tape so Adidas would not find out! He rolled up his pants and rode my bike and shoes around the 20 miles in that heat. He was exactly my size, bike and shoes. During my race I ended up getting 11 place, one out of the trophies.

Jim Merz Bainbridge Is. WA >>

Jim, you are a lucky guy. Today I am the same size as Merckx is too in every way except I'm a foot shorter.

High Regards

Gilbert Anderson

The North Road Bicycle Company
your bicycle outfitter
519 W. North St.
Raleigh, NC 27603
ph toll free in USA :800/321-5511
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