The Super 68's were considered a top sidepull in the early 70's just before the debut of the Campy sidepulls. My early 70's Windsor Pro came with Super 68's which I replaced and wish I hadn't. I think more than anything, the Campy sidepulls, soon followed by their excellent Japanese clones, made the styling of the Super 68's, most notably the QR mechanism, look old fashioned. I've never been able to tell the difference between Super 68 and Extra either.
Jerry Moos
Houston, Tx
> I recently acquired a set of Super 68 sidepulls. They seem almost
> identical to the Universal Extra brakes which are mounted on my PX 10.
> I'm wondering what the difference is between these brakes and which
> model is regarded as superior.
> I've had good luck with the Extra brakes through the years but often
> wonder what the experience others has been.
> Leon Lants (hot and dry in Kansas City)