To the best of my knowledge, the word special denotes the size and not a model. Special is the equivalent of a 'large'. The 'regular' size was simply marked Christophe. There was then a small size that was marked D, likely for 'dames' (women)
Steven Maasland Moorestown, NJ
From: Tom Dalton <>
> Does anyone know when Christophe Specials were switched from the old logo,
as seen in Hillary's auction to the familliar block-letter logo that was
common until recently? I have a set of Specials that look like Hillary's
but I don't know if they would belong on a late 70's bike. Actually, I'm
not certain mine are Identical to Hillary's set, the lettering may be a bit
larger. Was there an itermediate version between what is shown on Ebay and
the common, modern type?
> And what about Z clips? When were they introduced? Are there different
versions? I picked up an NOS set of these alloy beauties from a generous
listmember for a song. Anyway, would they belong on a 1979 bike?