on 09/09/2002 09:14 PM, Mr. Rob W. Baptie at farmer_rob2@yahoo.com wrote:
> Off topic it may be (apologies) but I had to weigh in
> (no pun intended)! I remember a few years back
> deciding to build a "dream bike" of full Campy hodge
> podge on Derosa Mercyx Molteni anniversary. Just for
> giggle I weighed the bike and whopped in at 24.3 lbs.
> This lead me to research a few of tour riders bike
> weights and if I remember correctly- Big Mig
> (Indurian) bike came in at 24.7 but he was a big guy,
> but Delgado and the german contender (pre-Ullrich)
> both came in over 22 lbs. If your going to race a
> FULL season (sorry Lance)one needs equiptment to
> withstand the rigor and a few years back it the
> lightweight stuff was not up to snuff. Now my
> reasoning tells me this- Indurain could contend with
> any the "new era" riders on his old equipment, his
> tour times are still among the fastest in history (as
> well as his individual TT's. So ride ishiwata and
> straight guage Columbus gang, it worked for Coppi and
> Eddie and they didnt seem to suffer!
Pretty much one of the first things Indurain did after he retired was go to the local bike shop and buy a top of the line Cannondale.
And the 24 lb. Pinarellos Indurain was riding were his training and early season bikes. His Tour bikes generally weighed signficantly less (save perhaps his time trial bikes, which were designed for aerodynamics rather than light weight).
Steven L. Sheffield stevens at veloworks dot com veloworks at mac dot com aitch tee tea pea colon [for word] slash [four ward] slash double-you double-yew double-ewe dot veloworks dot com [four word] slash