I have ridden a number of saddles, mostly Brooks Pros, which are my second favorite. Around 20 years ago, I stumbled across an Ideale 90 Rebour Titanium at the shop where I worked and bought it on the spot (which really ticked off the employee who had hidden it on a top shelf, either saving the money or waiting for an opportune moment to spirit it out the back door). It has been my fave butt-prop ever since. The best fit and oh-so-cool at the same time.
The least comfortable saddle I have ridden was an Ideale 2002, though it was on a mountain bike and so riding position could have had a lot to do with it. I may toss it on a road bike sometime to give it another chance. I recently got the opportunity to put a Cinelli UnicaNitor padded saddle under my derriere, but after two 30+ mile rides, I didn't like it at all. I'll give it a little more time before swapping it out for a Pro. Finally, I have a Turbo on my '83 Colnago and it is surprisingly comfortable, right from the start. I still like a true leather saddle better, though. The Turbo seemed to get a little warm after awhile. Perhaps it was my imagination.
After 40+ years of riding everything from Troxel to Wrights, I think that there is nothing that beats an old-fashioned leather saddle that has been broken into your own posterior. But there is nothing worse than those cheap thin-leather saddles that stretch out the first time they get wet. Keep your wrench off that tensioner!
Steve Barner, trying not to be a curmudgeon in Bolton, Vermont
> Roy-
> I agree, that french saddle sounds too iccky for me as well. I would
> to pose a question. What type of saddle do most CR listers ride? Is
> a hardcore Brooks disciple?
> Myself, I have always been a Unica fan or one of the many clones. At
> least thats what my butt seems to like most. As my cousin was so fond of
> "a comfy bottom is a happy bottom", and she rode Unicas as well. However,
> days I think she is riding Flites (off topic).
> I would be interested in what saddle most Listers like. I would like
> take an informal survey. Please email me with your favorite, either on or
> list. Surprise me. Cheers,
> Dave Anderson
> Cut Bank MT
> In message dated 10/24/03 6:56:13 PM PST, roydrink@ptd.net writes:
> Checking out this Columbine on ebay,
> http://ebay.com/
> says the saddle is a "Peau Mousse" leather. Checking on Babblefish,
> "peau mousse" translates from French as "skin foams". Is this right?
> Does this saddle make your skin foam (euugh!) or was it made from
> foaming skin (icck!)?
> Roy "foam on my beer" Drinkwater
> Lititz, PA