Re: [CR]ebay warning, seller collalbo

(Example: Framebuilding:Restoration)

From: "skip sinatra" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]ebay warning, seller collalbo
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 19:59:56 +0000

In my humble opinion, saying that the guy is under informed is like saying he's crazy like a fox. He obviously 'trades' in vintage bikes and parts. Assuming that all this stuff is not coming from a bottomless'garage' of parts---he has to know what to buy and for how much or his listings would be clogged with Huffys and Free Spirits (the non-531 FS). If he was brand new i'd give him under informed--at this stage he just seems kind of like a sleazy seller who doesn't really care what people think. I contacted him about shipping costs one time and even though the ad said the goods were in the US, he was shipping from his'Belgian Garage'. Long and short was that shipping was going to cost more than the particular brakeset. When i pointed out the huge ambiguity in his ad he essentially told me to ride my bike seatless. Its seems like on ebay there are sellers who really go out of their way to inform and be clear (some of the German sellers who are list members here, for example) and then marginal guys like Collabo where buyer be really wary is the catch phrase...

Skip Sinatra, Still Seated Frog Level, Virginia

>Subject: Re: [CR]ebay warning, seller collalbo
>Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 14:17:12 -0500
>I think he is as you said under informed. I am pretty sure he could have
>got more money for the bike I bought if he really knew what he had, plus
>he spelled the manufacturers name wrong in the listing. I suspect he
>relies on what he is told about the bike when he buys it. I certainly
>took a risk in my transaction and I don't think I would do it again.
>Mike Short,
>Austin Texas
>On Mon, 6 Oct 2003 14:09:36 EDT writes:
> > In a message dated 10/6/03 9:24:18 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> > writes:
> >
> >
> > > In my book 95% is low feedback. That means every 20th transaction
> > results
> > > in a problem significant enough to warrant negative feedback. I
> > believe that
> > > most problems get resolved without negative feedback posted, so I
> > GUESS that
> > > buyers encounter problems with Collalbo more often than once every
> > 20
> > > transactions. And who's to know whether he is not going to be
> > that 20th buyer. So
> > > I avoid dealing with Collalbo. That's MY OPINION. I am entitled
> > to it and
> > > don't flame me for it.
> > >
> >
> > This is the seller who had a Gitane with the geometric drop outs,
> > that had
> > Colnago decals on it. When told point blank that it was a Gitane and
> > not a
> > Colnago, he did NOT change his listing. He may be under informed or
> > he may be
> > worse, I don't know. He does get some interesting bikes on occasion,
> > but not
> > interesting enough to tempt me (so far), and if he did, I'd likely
> > resist the
> > temptation.
> > Stevan Thomas
> > Alameda, CA
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> >
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