re [CR]Chicago area bike event needed

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Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 16:03:00 -0500
From: "Steve Kurt" <>
Subject: re [CR]Chicago area bike event needed

From: David Cooper <>

"Hi Raoul, Your email points out an important thing missing from the vintage bicycle calendar: a Chicago event. I am in support of the idea, and would welcome anyone else for suggestions."

excellent idea David! I live in one of Chicago's outer, outer suburbs (i.e. Peoria, about 120 miles away), so I don't know much about the bike shops there. Is there any chance that a shop could be recruited to help organize such an event? Or are there any prominent collectors who might be interested in throwing together an informal gathering, ala Chuck Schmidt?

I'm thinking that it should be scheduled in early September. That way, the hot weather will be over, and the snow won't start falling for at least a week or two. :-) Any ideas for locations or routes for rides? Maybe we could work something out with the Northbrook velodrome??

Steve Kurt
downstate, in Peoria, IL