river city bicycles in portland oregon makes them...
>Seen at San Francisco Velo Swap Meet vintage looking Zebra wood
>fenders out of Portland, Oregon. The Zebra wood was flat bend in a
>cirle of course and attached with your typical SS fenders brackets.
>Needs good fender clearance as they are about 2" wide.Anyone know
>more about source??????????
>LOOKS Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Charles Nighbor
>in starting into rainlt season
>Walnut Creek, Good old California
joel metz : magpie@messengers.org : http://www.blackbirdsf.org/
bike messengers worldwide : ifbma : http://www.messengers.org/
po box 191443 san francisco california 94119-1443 usa
i know what innocence looks like - and it wasn't there,
after she got that bicycle...