Re: [CR]the bike gods and my Schwinn

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

From: "John Hawrylak" <>
To: "rocketman531" <>, "ADP" <>, <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]the bike gods and my Schwinn
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 19:31:29 -0500

Ann, Rocketman, & Others,

Here is a link I obtained from Eric Amlie (the lightweight database person) showing a Schwinn ad for a 1973 World Voyaguer in Kool Orange.

Double click in the lower right for an enlargement.

The plastic bar con hoods can be seen against the white pants. They appear to be grey, as Pat & Rick have stated, and not black. Black would be more visible against the white pants..

My 1975 Schwinn approved Voyaguer II (same bike) had black hoods on the Suntour shifters and the shifter housing is stamped "Schwinn Approved". The 1975 colors were opaque red (my color) and silver, so perhaps the black went better than the grey. The handlebars were also wrapped in a black textured vinyl tape which held up very well.

The shifter cable housings were bare spiral stainless steel (again holding up well over 27 years). When I replaced the Suntours and cable and cable housing with Shimano Ultegra indexed bar end shifters (SIS housing), the comparision of the housing rigidity s stuck me as the differnece between holding a throughly cooked spagehtti noodle and dry spaghetti noodle from the box.

Hope this helps & glad to see discussion about this model. Only wish Schwinn had a 22" frame size in 1975.

John Hawrylak
Woodstown NJ

----- Original Message -----
From: rocketman531
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [CR]the bike gods and my Schwinn

> Ann,
> I bought a World Voyageur (orange) this last weekend at a bicycle swap meet in Phoenix. ($5!!!) It has "Schwinn Approved" bar cons with GRAY hoods........ They look like they've been there a long time (about 30 years).
> Pat Moffat
> Tempe, AZ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADP <>
> Sent: Nov 6, 2003 11:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: [CR]the bike gods and my Schwinn
> As Rick pointed out, I have a bad habit of offending the classic bike
> gods. Sigh.... This is why I'm having such trouble with the Montelatici,
> and heck, thats pretty era correct.
> I figured since I'm taking all these liberties in interpreting a 1973
> Schwinn by giving it much nicer 27" wheels and better center pulls than it
> came with, that no one would too terribly offended by some era correct
> downtube shifters.
> I have some Suntour power rachet bar con shifters, but I think they may be
> too new. Did the original ones that came with the Schwinn have little
> black handles? The lightweight data book is not enlightening me to
> this. I also need to find more of the cool metal cable housing that they
> prefer.
> Ann Phillips, Atlanta GA
> home of the Dahon folding bike, I've sold 3 today.
> >Ann,
> >Since you bring it back up, I feel the need to respond. As the proud owner
> >of two '73 World Voyageurs, I implore you to cease this downtube endeavor
> >and use barcon shifters on yours. Your difficulty in finding a good fit is
> >the bike gods way of telling you to stick to the original. :)
> >
> >The Voyageur came in three colors; "kool orange", "opague blue", "lemon
> >yellow". I have an orange one and a blue one. Anyone seen a yellow one
> >lately?
> >Rick Kerkhoff
> >Cincinnati, Ohio