Re: Re: [CR] Hetchins prices and bad times for large folks

(Example: Humor)

From: "David Bilenkey" <>
Organization: Bilenkey Industrial Design
To: "''" <>
Subject: Re: Re: [CR] Hetchins prices and bad times for large folks
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 13:11:25 -0500

$290 CDN (~$220 US) for a Campy 50th equipped Colnago!!! Congrats Dirk, what a steal! Let me know if you care to pass on the Colnago frame at a good price to keep up your good 'bike karma', as I'm guessing there's no way you'd ride something that size. :-)

Very cool,

David Bilenkey in frosty and snowy, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
> From: "Feeken, Dirk" <>
> Date: 2003/12/04 Thu PM 12:29:32 EST
> To: "''" <>
> Subject: Re: [CR] Hetchins prices and bad times for large folks
> <snip>
> Dirk
> BTW: At least I got a small consolation gift yesterday (eBay auction 2770632775 look at the components!)
> --
> Dirk Feeken
> Heidelberg
> Germany