RE: [CR]hey y'all - Where are your CR list cut-off period potrait s ?????

(Example: Humor:John Pergolizzi)

From: "Mark Bulgier" <>
To: 'ben kamen' <>,
Subject: RE: [CR]hey y'all - Where are your CR list cut-off period potrait s ?????
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 10:37:15 -0800

Hey Ben,

I tried to send a link to an embarrassing hair photo, but my mail bounced!

"One or more of the recipients of your message did not receive it because they would have exceeded their mailbox size limit."

I wasn't even sending photos, just links to where they were on the web. Clean out yer mailbox!

Mark Bulgier Seattle, Wa USA

ben kamen wrote:
> Perhaps some of may have missed my invitation ...
> The CR member potrait site is up and severly lacking in
> submissions. No excuses - send 'em to me.
> All you gotta do is send me a pic of yourself circa 1983
> which is when the list is specific till. Where were you in 1983?
> Any file, any format, any size ... just send it down and ill
> add it on.