In a message dated 3/13/03 7:52:19 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
> A frame showed up with a Garlatti head tube badge but a Cinelli stencil
> on downtube.
> Was there a time when Cinelli made frames for Garlatti?
I don't think so, but if someone has evidence they were I'm happy to be
corrected. One way to tell is to look and see if the pins are in the same
place on a Garlatti as on a similar vintage Cinelli. Comparing the
Montelatici frames (known to be made by Cinelli) to Cinelli frames, the pins
are ALL in EXACTLY the same places. Builders have their methods and I doubt
if they would invent new pin placements for contract frames. If the Garlatti
is not pinned, that would be strong evidence to me that it was not Cinelli
built. The Cinelli stencil sounds possibly owner applied.
Stevan Thomas
Alameda, CA