Re: [CR]Freewheels and shifting performance

(Example: Production Builders:Frejus)

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Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 07:08:11 -0800
From: "Jan Heine" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Freewheels and shifting performance


Interesting difference in experiences. Maybe there are other variables that I didn't consider.

I use Sedis 7/8-speed chains, the cheap (well, used to be cheap) black ones. On the NR/SR and Simplex, I never went beyond 24 teeth.

I bought some Taiwanese or Chinese wide 5/6-speed chains locally at Wright Bros (call them, they may have more). They work and look great, and after 1000 hard, hilly km on the tandem, there is no measurable stretch (which doesn't mean much, as that isn't a great distance, but at least they don't wear immediately). I remember they cost $ 8 or 9 each. (Tandem has 13-30 Shimano 6-speed with Duopar rear, shifts great, but sometimes finding the gear is difficult, as there is no feedback when the chain is on the right cog.)

Jan Heine, Seattle

> > The amazing thing about some of the old derailleurs -
> > Nivex and Duopar, for example - is that they work well
> > with older freewheels and wide, stiff chains.
> >
> > However, most old derailleurs (my experience is limited
> > to Campy NR/SR/Rally and Simplex) work very well when
> > coupled with newer (but still in the timeline!) freewheels
> > (especially Shimano) and chains.
>Funny how experiences differ a bit... I've found that all
>these derailleurs need a stiff chain, at least if you're using
>28 tooth large cogs (or larger on the Duopars). In fact, if
>the cahin is sufficiently stiff, you can get a Duopar to index
>between 2 or 3 of the smaller cogs - but that's another story.
> Anyway, the trick is finding such a chain these days. Who
>made a stiff chain that's norrow enough for an Ultra-6
>freewheel and where can I get one now?
> Best regards,
> Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia
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