Re: [CR]1983?? Guess I'm looking for a new list...

(Example: Production Builders:Teledyne)

From: <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 17:56:48 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR]1983?? Guess I'm looking for a new list...

In a message dated 6/3/2003 4:32:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< How about a new list named : "Bikes Pooh-Poohed by ClassicRendezvous" Maybe on such a list, rides like my Serotta Colorado, Maza Max or Slim Chance could bask in praise from admirers other than myself. Certainly newbies on their alumino-carbons have no idea how fine steel bikes can there's not much to chat with them about... except component weight & $300 bike shoes. But I guess if a little teeny bit of tube shaping signals the end of the Classic Era...1983 is a reasonably good bookend. I'd better keep my fine-riding '83 BJ Special Tourist in this case. Jim Hultman Fogbound in Santa Barbara with a veritable museum of red-hot. well-designed, great riding, off-topic late eighties bikes hanging in the garage, sadly snubbed by both old & new guard (sniff). >>

Yes, this list sucks. Why can't we talk about Balloon tired bikes?.. they were really cool. And how about British sports cars? Are you guys saying they aren't neato? And what about Circus memorabilia? And Cannondales are really really fast and made by hand in the USA!

Geez. The point is that if we do not have some limits on the discussions we will all get twice as much mail. I can barely read it all as it is! The biggest single complaint and reason for quite a few very interesting people quitting this list is that certain members cannot limit themselves to the topic and the mail is overwhelming!

If the limitations leaves out something you want, there is absolutely nothing keeping any one from starting another list covering whatever topic, within as broad or narrow limits, as the list owner wants. I will be among the first to join. But someone has to get off their behinds and take the responsibility.

Membership here is still voluntary as far as I know...

Dale Brown
Greensboro, North Carolina