> Mr. Sachs:>
> I think your post may have been off topic, as it was not written before
1983, nor did it refer to anything built prior to that time.>
> I think attaboys are not allowed either.>
> Have a nice day. ("Your papers please!" -in heavy german accent)
> Stephan Andranian -
Surely you understand, Stephan, that everything's OK , as long as you agree with the party line and are one of the in-crowd.
John Dunn in Boise
> Mr. Sachs:
> I think your post may have been off topic, as it was not written before
1983, nor did it refer to anything built prior to that time.
> I think attaboys are not allowed either.
> Have a nice day. ("Your papers please!" -in heavy german accent)
> Stephan Andranian - who owns an 1986 531 Gitane...and can't talk about it
now - but isn't bitter because I understand that this group is voluntary!
Sorry Dale...please don't blackball me, because I agree with you!
> Costa Mesa, CA
> Richard M Sachs <richardsachs@juno.com> wrote:
> snipped:
> OROBOYZ@aol.com writes:
> "Yes, this list sucks. Why can't we talk about Balloon tired bikes?..
> they
> were really cool. And how about British sports cars? Are you guys saying
> they
> aren't neato? And what about Circus memorabilia? And Cannondales are
> really
> really fast and made by hand in the USA!"
> attaboy!
> i agree with dale 100%, except for the Circus memoribilia.
> why isn't that on topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> (exclamation points sub-ed for smiley face).
> chester, ct
> ps the 1983 thing works for me. you want chaos, log
> onto a usenet group.
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