Re: [CR]croce d'aune - OOPS !

(Example: Production Builders:Teledyne)

From: "jerrymoos" <>
To: "Raoul Delmare" <>, "C.R. List" <>
References: <000e01c342c1$bc4314a0$ead2f50c@C1921978A> <011801c342ff$358c80c0$e64efea9@oemcomputer> <012a01c34301$2a78e460$e64efea9@oemcomputer>
Subject: Re: [CR]croce d'aune - OOPS !
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2003 09:38:32 -0500

Well, if Dale holds to his rule of 20 years old or more, C-Record will become on topic in two years, as Chuck's timeline says C-Record was introduced in 1985. Who knows, the price of C-Record and Croce D'Aune may skyrocket as collectors snap them up for the fun of BSing about them on Classic Rendezvous :-)


Jerry Moos
Houston, TX

----- Original Message -----
From: Raoul Delmare
To: "C.R. List"
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: [CR]croce d'aune - OOPS !

> Uhhhhh . . .
> this is all off time line ,
> isn't it ?
> sorry .
> Raoul Delmare
> Marysville Kansas
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Raoul Delmare" <>
> To: "Tom Sanders" <>; "C.R. List"
> <>
> Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 9:10 AM
> Subject: Re: [CR]croce d'aune
> > Hi Tom ,
> >
> > I should not post this to the list , because I may have incorrectly
> > remembered some things . But , on the other hand , maybe somebody can
> > correct my mistakes . If I remember correctly . . .
> >
> > Croce d'Aune was an expensive ( and quite interesting ) engineering &
> > marketing experiment . It was designed from the start to be an
> > engineering & marketing experiment .
> >
> > It was designed to be limited production . They were disappointed when
> it
> > turned out to be as EXTREMELY limited as it did .
> >
> > Compared to the merely ordinary "C-Record" , it was intended to sell for
> > at least as much as the merely ordinary-top-of-the-line .
> >
> > It was designed to be complex and exotic .
> >
> > It was designed to be stiff and ultimately responsive .
> >
> > Remember that this was during the period when Campagnolo was being very
> > "reactive" instead of "proactive" . This was during the period when
> > Campagnolo lost its way a little bit , and tried to play "catch-up"
> with
> > Shimano .
> >
> > I think Shimano had already come out with a group which was functionally
> > about 98 % as race-ready as Dura-Ace - but , was made to really
> > LOOK attractive . It was intended to go onto high-priced ,
> prestigious
> > , connoisseur , boutique bicycles . It was aimed at people who were
> > looking to spend money , but who were also looking for APPEARANCE , and
> > perhaps even color , not mere function . This was the Santé group ,
> > wasn't it ? Or was the Santé group one step down from the one I'm
> > thinking of ? There wasn't another group also , was there ? Either
> > way , at first it actually cost close to the same price as Dura-Ace .
> > Later it was marked down somewhat .
> >
> > Croce d'Aune was the Campagnolo version of that idea . Only , instead
> of
> > supplying interesting colors and interesting finishes , to attract
> wealthy
> > connoisseurs - Campagnolo supplied interesting engineering concepts .
> >
> > Croce d'Aune was more complex , more heavy , totally technically
> > fascinating , and finished to the highest standards . It was expensive
> .
> >
> > The wealthy connoisseurs and aficionados . . . stayed away .
> >
> > Also , the long-time loyal fans of Campagnolo were confused . The new
> > "click-shifting" "index-shifting" "C-Record" was confusing enough .
> > But to introduce the Croce d'Aune , in addition ? Was the Croce
> d'Aune
> > going to replace the "C-Record" ? Was it better or worse ? Which
> one
> > were we supposed to day-dream about , more ? How can there be more
> than
> > one ultimate ?
> >
> > The Croce d'Aune did not sell , but did cause confusion .
> >
> > End of experiment .
> >
> > Cheers ,
> > Raoul Delmare
> > Marysville Kansas
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Tom Sanders" <>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 1:50 AM
> > Subject: [CR]croce d'aune
> >
> >
> > Is the Croce d'Aune a bargain version of C Record, or does this perhaps
> > represent a time sequence within the group? As this is slightly beyond
> the
> > timeline for being on topic, please respond off list if you feel
> > uncomfortable answering on list. Sorry if this too far off topic.
> > Tom Sanders
> > Lansing, Mi