Re: [CR]OT: Can't get to

(Example: Racing:Jacques Boyer)

Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 17:55:09 -0700
Subject: Re: [CR]OT: Can't get to
From: "Steven L. Sheffield" <>
To: <>, Classic Rendezvous <>
In-Reply-To: <>

On 02/06/2004 03:37 PM, "" <> wrote:
> Hopefully someone can help me out here.
> For some odd reason I can't get to anything on Mark Bulgier's site.
> I always get this message after 30-60 seconds:
> "The page cannot be displayed
> The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be
> experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser
> settings."

Look at the very bottom of the message, and there should be some sort of error, like "Internal Server Error - HTTP 500" or "Cannot find server or DNS error" ...

If it's a DNS error, have your ISP make sure your Internet Connection settings are configured correctly for their DNS servers. Once that's done, do the following (which you should also do for the HTTP 500/Internal Server Error):

In Internet Explorer, go to Tools >> Internet Options.

On the Internet Options window, in the section labelled "Temporary Internet Files", click on Delete Files (and click OK on the confirmation dialogue box). This may take a few minutes to complete.

Then click on Settings (also in the Temporary Internet Files section). On the Settings window, make sure "Check for newer versions of stored pages" is set to "Automatically". Further down the screen is a section that says "Temporary Internet Files folder" with a slider and a white box. Change the number in the box from whatever it is (anywhere from 63 to upwards of 1000) to 10. Yes, 10. There is absolutely no need to have more than that set aside for Temporary Internet Files, but Microsoft defaults to something like 3% of the drive.

Click OK to close Settings and go back to the Internet Options/Properties window.

Click on the Security tab across the top of the window. Make sure that Internet is the zone that's highlighted, and click "Default Level" at the bottom of the screen, which should set security to Medium. Click Apply.

Click on the Advanced tab across the top of the window. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the Advanced window. In the body of the window, you should see a section labelled Security with a little yellow padlock. A few lines below the padlock is an item that says "Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed" ... Make sure it's checked, then click "Apply", then click "OK" ...

Then close all your Internet Explorer windows.

Launch Internet Explorer and try again.

I've found that most often, when people have problems reaching a website it's because their Temporary Internet Files (or cache) folder is clogged with old garbage files. This is a legacy from the old days of the Internet, when web pages were static and connections were slow. At that time it was often faster to reload a page from cache than to download the information fresh again ...

When the cache is set to some ungodly high number (like 1GB or 1000+MB), then it can take forever for the browser to look through the cache to see if you've visited the page previously before it attempts to download it from the actual site. By the time it finishes looking through the cache, the request has timed out, causing the HTTP 500/Internal Server Error.

It's a much bigger problem when trying to connect to secure web pages (with URLs that start with https:// instead of http://), but can be a problem with any webpage if the cache is clogged.

In my capacity as a Tech Support representative (before moving to our Platinum Service Center for high-networth clients) I would get this phone call some 20 times a day ... It was very, very rare that following the procedure above did not resolve the issue.

The index.html page uses some non-standard HTML as well ... but that's up to Mark to fix ...

Steven L. Sheffield Waiting for the snow to melt and the salt to wash away in Midvale, Utah.

> I've contacted Mark, he tried but couldn't come up with anything.
> I've contacted my ISP, and I've had someone else using this same ISP try, and
> they can get the website just fine.
> ISP tech has had me check numerous things on my computer to no avail.
> I haven't been able to get there since I switched from AOL dialup to a DSL
> line (a bit of irony, eh?)
> I can go anywhere else on the web, as far as I can tell.
> I miss looking at the old photos of CLASSIC bikes!
> If anyone can help, please reply off list.
> Thanks.
> Pete Geurds
> Douglassville, PA
> _______________________________________________

Steven L. Sheffield
stevens at veloworks dot com
veloworks at worldnet dot ay tea tee dot net
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