[CR]Re: Lubrication - Sturmey Archer - putting it all together

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Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 14:02:40 -0400
To: "Raoul Delmare" <Raoul.L.Delmare@worldnet.att.net>, "C.R. List" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>, "Bruce C." <BruceCumberland@comcast.net>
From: "Sheldon Brown" <CaptBike@sheldonbrown.com>
Subject: [CR]Re: Lubrication - Sturmey Archer - putting it all together

Raoul Delmare wrote:
>Sheldon, I'd really like to hear your thoughts.
>Here's what I know:
>1.) The problem with "3-In-1 Oil" is that it includes things which become
>SERIOUSLY GUMMY with age. Perhaps they have changed the formula in
>recent years? I doubt it. I've heard it includes some vegetable oils?
>Very fresh castor oil in your Bugatti's crankcase is one thing.
>Old rancid vegetable oil in your bicycle's rear hub is another thing
> 3-in-1 = GUM

Yep. 3-in-One is best for poisoning fish, don't know anything else it's good for.
>2.) Again, let me mention that years ago I was lucky enough to speak with
>an engineer who was actually on the team involved with developing what
>became "WD-40". As if we didn't all know it already, WD-40 forms
> But here's what I can tell you. It was DESIGNED to form varnish!
> The development team was given the task of creating something which
>would form a varnish-like barrier, to keep big steel equipment from rusting,
>before it was painted. It penetrates through water, to form a
>varnish-like-barrier. It was never intended to be a lubricant.

I did not know that, but I know that WD-40 is a lousy lubricant.
>3.) Actual, genuine, real Sturmey Archer Oil, always looked thinner than
>"30-weight" to me. I'm fairly sure that "30-weight" is thicker than what
>Sturmey Archer chose for their hubs.
>4.) In the automotive world, they worry about lubricants designed to work
>in machines which have steel teeth which mesh together.
>Key terms; Hypoid Drive, Hypoid Drive Lube, Gear Lube,
>High-Pressure Lube.
> Obviously, "90-weight" rear axle lube is much-much too thick for
>your Sturmey gear .
> However, something in about a "20-weight", but containing
>"high-pressure" "gear-lubricants", might be theoretically the best thing
>for your S.A. rear hub.
>5.) Currently there is much heated discussion among the owners of very
>high-performance motorbikes. What lube to use? Are new oils TOO thin?
>What to use when your engine shares its oil with your gear box?
> The result?
> Some, I say again some, oils for motorcycles actually do contain
>different "gear lubes", which automobile oils do NOT contain.

Sturmey-Archer hubs are not at all fussy about lube, any decent medium-weight oil works fine. The three things I've known of to cause problems are 3-in-One, WD-40 and salad oil. Other than that, I'd say don't worry.

My personal favourite is Phil Wood Tenacious oil. I used to use a homemade concoction of Sturmey-Archer oil mixed with 90 weight hypoid gear oil or bed-way lube, but the Phil Wood seems to have the same characteristics as my old witch's brew, _and_ it's cholesterol free!

Sheldon "Tenacious" Brown +-----------------------------------------------+ | The wayfarer | | Perceiving the pathway to truth, | | Was struck with astonishment. | | It was thickly grown with weeds. | | "Ha," he said, | | "I see that none has passed here | | In a long time." | | Later he saw that each weed | | Was a singular knife. | | "Well," he mumbled at last, | | "Doubtless there are other roads." | | --Stephen Crane | +-----------------------------------------------+ --
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