Greetings campers and Realm Riders:
Found a 50s/60s era Dawes catalog I grabbed from ebay waiting in my mailbox last night. Derailleur geared models include Concorde, Galaxy, Red Feather, Star Realmrider, Realmrider, and Debonair. Nothing fancier than a 5-spd. Concorde was the only model with Reynolds 531 tubing.
Catalog confirmed and improved upon my somewhat lame translation of the latin phrase that appeared in a seat tube decal on some of the early 70s Galaxies: "Carte vestra gaudia ex Dawes", (Get your pleasure out of Dawes).
Normally I would scan and send the catalog to Bulgier and CR for all who might need it. But in their infinite wisdom, the powers that be recently decided to upgrade my computer system, and replaced my vintage but very functional scanner with a big fancy new high resolution 2004 model big empty space on my desk. Not my definition of an upgrade, but who am I to argue with my "leaders"? They even went so far as to immediately surplus out the old scanner so there was absolutely no chance that I would retrieve it. Ahh, they know me too well. Negotiations are currently underway (blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer "extortion".) for a functioning replacement for the big empty, but it could take a while. So until the exchange takes place, I'll photocopy & mail appropriate pages to anybody with an immediate need for info. Not a great loss of quality that way. Just Rebour-ish ink drawings and text. Large poster size thing printed on both sides.
Would appreciate hearing from anybody who has a clue as to the real date of the catalog. Headbadges are the large torch pattern, the same pattern I remember from late 60s/ early 70s. And GB Coureur 66 brakes are available on some models, so probably 1961 or later. Yeaaaaaaaaah, close enough.
Gotta go Larry "Semper ubi, sub ubi" Osborn (always wear, under wear) All the latin I need to know in Morgantown WV