[CR]Pic of the Day Sunday Funnies

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2007)

From: "swampmtn" <swampmtn@siscom.net>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Sun, 30 May 2004 09:00:37 -0400
Subject: [CR]Pic of the Day Sunday Funnies

Pic of the Day 30th May Sunday Funnies Pellos covers stage 1 of the 1949 TdF.

Perhaps the Frenchophiles among us can help with more accurate translation of these illustrations.

Part 1 http://www.birfield.com/nuke/modules/gallery/Pellos-illustrations/etape1pt1 (click on picture for larger view)

left to right

"Avant le depart Lucien Lazarides ramasse une pelle." Before the departure Lucien Lazarides collects a dustpan. (The left crank fell off Lucien Lazarides' bike during the "parade" out of Paris, before the official start in Toninville, Livry-Gargan.)

"A Toninville, les coureurs sont lances par Boudard." At Toninville, The racers are launched by Boudard. (Boudard was the official time keeper, and announced the official start in Toninville.)

"Caput enleve la premiere prime du tour." Capu lifted the Tour's first prime.

"Les Belges sont les premiers a sonner les cloches." The Belgians are first to sound the bells. (The Belgians launched the first serious attacks of the Tour.)

"Brule a une explication avec une de ses pedales." Brule has an explanation with one of his pedals. (Brule also lost a left crankarm after the start.)

"Le Nizhery qui a creve est ramene par Robic et Klabinsky." Le Nizhery has a flat and is brought back by Robic and Klabinsky.

Part 2 http://www.birfield.com/nuke/modules/gallery/Pellos-illustrations/etape1pt2 (click on pic for larger view) left to right

"Le peloton tricote en coeur. Coppi et Bartali se regardent en chiens de faience." The group knits in heart. Coppi and Bartali stare like pottery dogs.

"Danguillame creve. Teisseire et Geminiani le ramenent." Danguillame flats. Teisseire and Geminiani bring him back.

"Fach se fache et attaque." Fachleitner is annoyed and attacks.

"Fachleitner, B.Gauthier, et Goasmat se sauvent." Fach, B. Gauthier, and Goasmat run away.

"Goasmat se detache." Goasmat escapes. (Goasmat was first across the border into Belgium.)

"A Reims, Dussault coiffe tout le mande, y compris Jomaux, Tassin, et (?)." At Reims, Dussault caps everyone, including jomaux, Tassin, and the rest."

Aldo Ross
Catalpa Island, Indian Lake, Ohio