[CR]WAS masi spacin - NOW spacing in general

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Columbus:SLX)

Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 09:33:42 -0400
Thread-Topic: WAS masi spacin - NOW spacing in general
Thread-Index: AcR66mLvAsIkBbaLTKqON8emh04rPgAAyaeA
From: "Bingham, Wayne R." <WBINGHAM@imf.org>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]WAS masi spacin - NOW spacing in general

e-richie wrote:
>>>6 speed was ubiquitous by 1974.<<<

I've been kind of curious about the change-over from 120 to 126 in this time period. I have a '73 Rickert, and three American built frames (two Charles Martins and a Colin Laing) also from '72 or '73, all having 120 spacing. More curious yet, a Colnago Super I brought to Cirque a couple years ago (but sold shortly afterward), and estimated by the Colnagoista to be later 70's, also had 120 spacing and a 5sp hub (I still have the original wheelset, but haven't checked the lock nut).

Just how rapid was the transition to 126 and 6sp? Was 6sp really that ubiquitous by '74? Were some builders/manufacturers (Colnago) still cranking out both 120 and 126 for a while?

Wayne Bingham
(newly in) Lovettsville VA