Having recently acquired three early 60's/ late 50's bikes (a Hetchins, an Epgrave and a Rixie), I'm having to educate myself on the equipment of the era. The Rixie is a complete touring bike, and I'm thinking of outfitting the other two, which are framesets, as Audax machines. On my two newly built Audax bikes, a new Bates and a Caygill, I'm using Campy Rally, Galli long cage (the only one I have ever seen), Simplex SLJ triple FD's and Cyclotourist triples. But I don't think any of this stuff is correct for the early 60's.
It's been stated that the Cyclotourist arms weren't introduced until the late 60's, but the rings are older. Would a Stronglight 49D with Cyclotourist triple rings be correct for 1960? What about an RD? The Campy Rally is definitely too new and I think the Huret Duopar and long cage Jubilee don't go back that far either. What about the Huret Luxe? Will the Allvit handle a triple? What RD's were used for triples in 1960? What about FD's?
I also note a lot of early 60's/ late 50's frames have a shifter brazeon on the right only. Some of these were probably time trial machines, but I think others were doubles that used a rod type FD like the Simplex Competition. What range of teeth would these rod-type FD's handle? I've gotten the impression they couldn't handle a very wide double, let alone a triple. Does one have to remove the RH brazeon or add an LH brazeon to use a triple?
Jerry Moos