RE: [CR] Rainman's Report, was RE: [CR]Trexlertown Swap report

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content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR] Rainman's Report, was RE: [CR]Trexlertown Swap report
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 12:47:11 -0400
Thread-Topic: RE: [CR] Rainman's Report, was RE: [CR]Trexlertown Swap report
Thread-Index: AcSqMctoyrU/ufV7RESjnWs8sxevEQ==
From: "Christopher Barbour" <>
To: <>

Thomas R. Adams, Jr. <> wrote:

Okay, I admit it: I'm cursed. Three CR rides I've organized this year, and three times the day of the ride featured crashing barometers, cold temps and threatening rain. Sigh. Someone else needs to take a stab at getting the Southern New England ride scene organized


Tom, check the back of your latest News & Views! The V-CC's New England members have been organizing monthly rides for four years. Crashing barometers, cold temperatures, and rain are what these old British bikes are for. You aren't much further away than our regularly riding Connecticut club mate. We hope to see you soon.

Christopher Barbour
Boston, Mass.