← Oct 2004 Thread Index→
- [CR]Velo Rendezvous IV Bikes & People "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Death Bike <CYCLESTORE@aol.com>
- [CR]WTB 22" - 22.5" frame or bike - Minneapolis area "Mark Stonich" <mark@bikesmithdesign.com>
- [CR]Needed//Binda Straps//Cinelli Caps//VeloRendezvous this weekend.... "Matthew Gorski" <bikenut@verizon.net>
- [CR]need parts for and help identifying a raleigh pro and paint? "marc garcia" <marcgarcia80@ameritech.net>
- [CR]looking to buy or trade for a campagnolo rim "marc garcia" <marcgarcia80@ameritech.net>
- Re: [CR]need parts for and help identifying a raleigh pro and paint? "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]WTB (or at least get information on) a rather different Brooks B-17 "Kenneth Stagg" <kenneth.stagg@gmail.com>
- RE: [CR]Restorations "Jim Cunningham" <Cyclartist@cox.net>
- Re: [CR]need parts for and help identifying a raleigh pro and paint? "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]need parts for and help identifying a raleigh pro and paint? "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]FS: fiamme stem, cinelli stems & bar, modolo tourist, raleigh fork "Thomas E Ward" <tom.ward@juno.com>
- [CR]Cinelli Stem - Eddy Merckx engraved <B747Inst@aol.com>
- RE: [CR]need parts for and help identifying a raleigh pro and paint? <raleypc@netscape.net>
- [CR]Some items for sale "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]new top tube for '74 Jack Taylor? "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]need parts for and help identifying a raleigh pro and paint? "Fredrick Yavorsky" <fred@twistcomm.com>
- [CR]need parts for help for identifying a Raleigh "Chris Van Scoyk" <parisbrest@mchsi.com>
- Re:[CR]new top tube for '74 Jack Taylor? "John Jorgensen" <designzero@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]need parts for and help identifying a raleigh pro and paint? <raleypc@netscape.net>
- Re: [CR]Death bike AND 753 frames <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- [CR]Baines, first year "Toni Theilmeier" <Toni.Theilmeier@t-online.de>
- [CR]Raleigh RRA project for sale 23 1/2 "Peter Paine" <petebike7@btopenworld.com>
- [CR]Wtd. 2 rolls of white cotton handlebar tape for Velo Rendezvous. "dave martinez" <dmart84815@yahoo.com>
- [CR]ebay outing: OT Masi <chasds@mindspring.com>
- [CR]Calling Anthony Mezzatesta: "renaissance-cycles" <info@renaissance-cycles.com>
- Re: [CR]What Was First Year Of Baines Production? "Hilary Stone" <hilary.stone@blueyonder.co.uk>
- [CR]If not wind, then water... if not water, then fire "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: bike of death "Mark Wolfe" <markw@wolfenet.org>
- [CR]Early Cabon Frames? "John O'Rourke" <jorourke@gmail.com>
- [CR]new top tube for '74 Jack Taylor? <dgranger@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]If not wind, then water... if not water, then fire <LouDeeter@aol.com>
- [CR]Re: eBay and fraud "Professore di Pimpissimo" <bici_pimp@mac.com>
- Re: [CR]need parts for help for identifying a Raleigh "Stephen Barner" <steve@sburl.com>
- Re: [CR]EBay and fraud. <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- [CR]stuff for sale "Matteo Brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- [CR]For anyone seeking a Masi GC "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
- [CR]FS - Items for Sale "Amir Avitzur" <avitzur@013.net>
- [CR]FS - Items for Sale - sign-off "Amir Avitzur" <avitzur@013.net>
- Re: [CR]need parts for and help identifying a raleigh pro and paint? "Pete Geurds" <raleighpro@dejazzd.com>
- [CR]FOR SALE: TA Rack and Michelin 700x28 Tires "scott davis" <francopedia@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Photo hosting offer: VR photos "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- [CR]Mercian serial #? "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]Campagnolo shifter ID "Kurt Sperry" <haxixe@gmail.com>
- [CR]Campagnolo shifter ID "Chris Van Scoyk" <parisbrest@mchsi.com>
- [CR] For Sale Classic British Cycling Magazines "Michael Butler" <laquelda@yahoo.com>
- [CR]was: Masi GC now Tesch <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]bottecchia history "Howard Darr" <heddarr@indianaconnect.com>
- Re: [CR]Campagnolo shifter ID "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- [CR]Campagnolo Shifter ID "Chris Van Scoyk" <parisbrest@mchsi.com>
- Re: [CR]Campagnolo Shifter ID
- Re: [CR]Campagnolo Shifter ID <DTSHIFTER@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Campagnolo Shifter ID "Duane Kennard" <d.kennard@adelphia.net>
- [CR]E-Bay outing...Baylis Wizard 60 cm frame "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]E-Bay outing...Baylis Wizard 60 cm frame "David G. White" <whiteknight@adelphia.net>
- [CR]Raleigh International <Carb7008@cs.com>
- [CR]FW: Death bike "Gijs Roovers" <gijsroovers@home.nl>
- Re: [CR]E-Bay outing...Baylis Wizard 60 cm frame
- RE: [CR]Raleigh International <raleypc@netscape.net>
- [CR]Velo Rendezvous Reports?? <LouDeeter@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Velo Rendezvous Reports?? Now: Blame Tom Danielson for the delays !!!
- RE: [CR]Pic of the Day 25th September -How To Mount Your Pump "Tony Pereira" <anthony@clear-simple.com>
- [CR]Someone scored - Carlton Criterium "Professore di Pimpissimo" <bici_pimp@mac.com>
- [CR]re: Bike shops in Fl "L Travers" <lat7575@swbell.net>
- Re: [CR]E-Bay outing...Baylis Wizard 60 cm frame "greg arnold" <greg@nofatcomm.com>
- Re: [CR]E-Bay outing...Baylis Wizard 60 cm frame and Trexlertown "Mike Schmidt" <mdschmidt@patmedia.net>
- [CR]Velo Rendezvous Reports?? <PaulieFlt@aol.com>
- [CR]Bianchi Pricing--Comparative Analysis--Sample of Two <LouDeeter@aol.com>
- [CR]Trexlertown Swap report "Tom Hayes" <hayesbikes@nls.net>
- [CR]the other Trexlertown swap? "Jamie Swan" <jswan@optonline.net>
- Re: [CR]Bianchi Pricing--Comparative Analysis--Sample of Two "Marcus Coles" <marcoles@ody.ca>
- Re: [CR]E-Bay outing...Baylis Wizard 60 cm frame <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- [CR]Legnano Model Differences "Carmella St. Martin" <carmellastmartin@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Raleigh International "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]E-Bay outing...Baylis Wizard 60 cm frame "David G. White" <whiteknight@adelphia.net>
- [CR]Website Updates "john barron- velostuf" <jb@velostuf.com>
- Re: [CR]Bianchi Pricing--Comparative Analysis--Sample of Two <DTSHIFTER@aol.com>
- [CR]VR Route and Profile "Steve Maas" <stevem@nonlintec.com>
- Re: [CR]E-Bay outing...Baylis Wizard 60 cm frame <rodk3d@comcast.net>
- [CR]T-town Swapmeet "Roy H. Drinkwater" <roydrink@ptd.net>
- [CR]Question about dating Nuovo Record and Super Record brakes. "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
- Rainman's Report, was RE: [CR]Trexlertown Swap report "Thomas R. Adams, Jr." <kctommy@msn.com>
- [CR]Velo~Rendezvous #4 best ever....kinda long and rambling "Matthew Gorski" <bikenut@verizon.net>
- [CR]Pic of the Day 3rd October "Aldo Ross" <aldoross4@siscom.net>
- [CR]Re: Tigra dating <InchPitch@aol.com>
- [CR]T-town Swapmeet now Duran "Angel Garcia" <veronaman@comcast.net>
- [CR]Question about Avocet <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- RE: [CR]Question about Avocet "Jan Johnson" <picabo58@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Re: Question about Avocet "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- RE: [CR]Seat and seatpost query......... "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]now Duran <LouDeeter@aol.com>
- RE: [CR]Seat and seatpost query......... "CHRISTOPHER ARKELL" <chris_arkell@msn.com>
- [CR]Raleigh Ilkeston Track Frame <EdVintage63@aol.com>
- Re: [CR] Some mightly expensive bolts "Fred Rafael Rednor" <fred_rednor@yahoo.com>
- [CR]T-Town Two Cents <EdVintage63@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Legnano Model Differences "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]Some mightly expensive bolts "CHRISTOPHER ARKELL" <chris_arkell@msn.com>
- Re: [CR]Some mightly expensive bolts "Peter Jon White" <lists@peterwhitecycles.com>
- Re: [CR]Legnano Model Differences "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Making custom bolts ... "Donald Gillies" <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>
- Re: [CR]Re: Question about Avocet "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- [CR]THANK YOU - Some mightly expensive bolts "CHRISTOPHER ARKELL" <chris_arkell@msn.com>
- [CR]Rare Nervex Bottom Bracket on Ebay "Dave Patrick" <patrick@aardvark-pro.com>
- Re: [CR]vr pix "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- Re: [CR]Legnano Model Differences "Aldo Ross" <aldoross4@siscom.net>
- [CR]Fwd: 1982 Colnago Super 59cm $620 "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- [CR]Captions for Velo Rendezvous IV photos "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- [CR]ebay outing 1963 Schwinn Paramount track bike 23" <RDF1249@aol.com>
- RE: [CR] Rainman's Report, was RE: [CR]Trexlertown Swap report "Christopher Barbour" <cbarbo01@ase.tufts.edu>
- [CR]Falcon and Raleigh patches arrived "Wspokes" <wspokes@penn.com>
- Re: [CR]Legnano Model Differences <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- [CR]Identifying Columbus Tubing "Stephan Andranian" <sandranian@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Question about Avocet <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Identifying Columbus Tubing "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]eBay & fraud...link to text of Wall ST Journal article on August 3 "Dave Abraham" <dave@hokiespokes.com>
- Re: [CR]Velo~Rendezvous #4 best ever....kinda long and rambling <"brianbaylis@juno.com">
- Re: [CR]E-Bay outing...Baylis Wizard 60 cm frame <"brianbaylis@juno.com">
- [CR]Items for sale "Edward Albert" <ealbert@bellatlantic.net>
- [CR]Those bolts for toe clips...easily obtainable "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]T-town Swapmeet now Duran "Ken Sanford" <kanford@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR] Some mightly expensive bolts "Stephen Barner" <steve@sburl.com>
- Re: [CR]1st Gen Gransport RD on eBay... "Kurt Sperry" <haxixe@gmail.com>
- [CR]1st Gen Gransport RD on eBay... "David Bilenkey" <dbilenkey@sympatico.ca>
- [CR]Re: Raleigh International Origins (Ed Granger) <EdVintage63@aol.com>
- Re: [CR] Some mightly expensive bolts "Fred Rafael Rednor" <fred_rednor@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Suntour HA Hubs? "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR][NBDA Dealers] eBay & fraud..BAD CC #! "renaissance-cycles" <info@renaissance-cycles.com>
- [CR]Seat and seatpost query......... "Wayne Davidson" <wayne.collect@xtra.co.nz>
- [CR]vr pix <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- [CR]Velo Rendezvous IV Thank You "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]WTT headsets........ "Wayne Davidson" <wayne.collect@xtra.co.nz>
- [CR]Need to talk with Grant Hadley
- [CR]that's one way to braze... <dgranger@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]T-town Swapmeet now Duran "Angel Garcia" <veronaman@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR] Some mightly expensive bolts <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- [CR]Craigslist outing: $2K Pog "Dan Kehew" <dan.kehew@gmail.com>
- [CR]UK chrome platers? "brucerobbins" <brucerobbins@supanet.com>
- [CR]selling again "kim klakow" <Akimbo71@gmx.net>
- [CR]Ebay outing "Wspokes" <wspokes@penn.com>
- [CR]Fiamme Rims "greg arnold" <greg@nofatcomm.com>
- Re: [CR]Those bolts for toe clips...easily obtainable <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Those bolts for toe clips...easily obtainable <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- [CR]Mathauser "M" vs. "C" brake pads <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Those bolts for toe clips...easily obtainable <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Those bolts for toe clips...easily obtainable <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- [CR]Expensive toeclip bolts "Tom Dalton" <tom_s_dalton@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Expensive toeclip bolts "Tom Dalton" <tom_s_dalton@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Expensive toeclip bolts "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]UK chrome platers "Peter Brown" <peterg.brown@ntlworld.com>
- [CR]Was: Expensive toeclip bolts; now: Campy toeclips "Tom Dalton" <tom_s_dalton@yahoo.com>
- RE: [CR]Those bolts for toe clips...easily obtainable "Dave Patrick" <patrick@aardvark-pro.com>
- Re: [CR]Fiamme Rims "Angel Garcia" <veronaman@comcast.net>
- [CR]toeclip bolts "Tom Dalton" <tom_s_dalton@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]toeclip bolts "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]Mathauser "M" vs. "C" brake pads "Stephen Barner" <steve@sburl.com>
- Re: [CR]Captions for Velo Rendezvous IV photos "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- Re: [CR]toeclip bolts "Fred Rafael Rednor" <fred_rednor@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Cleaning & Preening (do it your selfers) "Jack Gabus" <jack@shermangabus.com>
- Re: [CR]toeclip bolts "Tom Dalton" <tom_s_dalton@yahoo.com>
- [CR]FS: Olmo and J.P. Weigle "Tom Hayes" <hayesbikes@nls.net>
- [CR]ATT. John Pergolizzi. "dave martinez" <dmart84815@yahoo.com>
- [CR]FS: Correction on Olmo and JP Weigle "Tom Hayes" <hayesbikes@nls.net>
- [CR]FS: Last Of The Pogliaghi Frames... "Duane Kennard" <d.kennard@adelphia.net>
- [CR]VR ,worth the wait "Bob Freitas" <freitas1@pacbell.net>
- Re: [CR]toeclip bolts "Fred Rafael Rednor" <fred_rednor@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Scott Mathauser brake blocks <Carltonflyer@aol.com>
- [CR]FS: CALZONE FRAMESET... "Duane Kennard" <d.kennard@adelphia.net>
- [CR]More items for sale...No more whining about prices "In the Day"! "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
- [CR]Reference 10 free sets of Scott Mathauser brake blocks <Carltonflyer@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]More items for sale...No more whining about prices "In the Day"!
- [CR]Tony Hoar? "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Fiamme Rims "Pete Geurds" <raleighpro@dejazzd.com>
- [CR]Good old days sale is over...Watch this space for an upcoming sale of Hubs, Pedals, seatpost clamp, etc. "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Mathauser "M" vs. "C" brake pads -- thanks!! <PBridge130@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Fiamme Rims "Angel Garcia" <veronaman@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Fiamme Rims <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Mathauser "M" vs. "C" brake pads <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Fiamme Rims "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <joebz@optonline.net>
- [CR]Leather bike goods from Japan "Dennis Young" <mail@woodworkingboy.com>
- [CR]Flying Scot Track Frame with a busted fork... "Bob Reid" <robertrreid@tiscali.co.uk>
- [CR]Bob Jackson For Sale $250
- Re: [CR]LEJEUNE at the Japanese auction "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]Unusual Colnago for sale <themaaslands@comcast.net>
- [CR]Bianchi Campione del Mondo for sale on ebay <themaaslands@comcast.net>
- [CR]Campagnolo or similar 2 bolt seatpost stem 26.4mm required "Wayne Davidson" <wayne.collect@xtra.co.nz>
- Re: [CR]Unknown part "Eric Elman" <tr4play@cox.net>
- Re: [CR]Oschner Frame - French Threading - Seek larger French threaded frame "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]Oschner Frame - French Threading - Seek larger French threaded frame "Fred Rafael Rednor" <fred_rednor@yahoo.com>
- [CR]CARLTON FRAMESET 1950's : opinions? "Pete Geurds" <raleighpro@dejazzd.com>
- Re: Re: [CR]Unknown part "Michael D. Schmidt" <mdschmidt@patmedia.net>
- Re: [CR]Unknown part "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- Re: [CR]Oschner Frame - French Threading - Seek larger French threaded frame "John Everett" <jeverett3@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Unknown part <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]Make your own mind up about this seller <themaaslands@comcast.net>
- [CR] - French Threading - Seek larger French threaded frame>> CRESENT bikes <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Identifying Columbus Tubing "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- Re: [CR]Make your own mind up about this seller <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- [CR]Hartnraft or Hartranft? <LouDeeter@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Hartnraft or Hartranft? "Richard M Sachs" <richardsachs@juno.com>
- RE: [CR]Flying Scot Track Frame with a busted fork... "sam Lingo" <samclingo@hotmail.com>
- [CR]Oschner Frame - French Threading - Seek larger French threaded frame "John Clay" <jmedclay@hotmail.com>
- [CR]find of the day <Dgranger@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Mathauser "M" vs. "C" brake pads -- thanks!! <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- [CR]Vintage Bicycle Quarterly--Vol 3, Number 1 <LouDeeter@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Mathauser "M" vs. "C" brake pads "henox" <henox@icycle.net>
- [CR]Wanted: NOS Red Binda Straps <"airart5@netzero.net">
- [CR]Royce Union 12 speed "David DeLellis" <daviddel@optonline.net>
- [CR]LEJEUNE at the Japanese auction "Dennis Young" <mail@woodworkingboy.com>
- [CR]masi dating "patrickriggs" <patrickriggs@msn.com>
- [CR]Unknown part "Dennis Young" <mail@woodworkingboy.com>
- [CR]Fiamme Rims "Michael Allison" <banjodoc@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Mercian serial #? "William Rupp" <WILLIAMDRUPP@peoplepc.com>
- [CR]Velo~Rendezvous #4 best ever! "Duane Kennard" <d.kennard@adelphia.net>
- [CR]New eBay record for a Raleigh International? "Douglas Morrell" <dmorrell@nomise.com>
- [CR]Chuckie-issimo'a'rama "Richard M Sachs" <richardsachs@juno.com>
- [CR]Velo Rendezvous '04 "dave martinez" <dmart84815@yahoo.com>
- [CR]more Velo Rendezvous IV photos <velorosso@charter.net>
- Re: [CR]Velo~Rendezvous #4 best ever! "Jay Van De Velde" <jaysportif@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]New eBay record for a Raleigh International? "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]Velo-Rendezvous firmly established Seth F <vahdia@att.net>
- [CR]Gitane Track Bike Wanted "Stephan Andranian" <sandranian@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Mercian serial numbers "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]The hardest 1970's Raleigh parts to find ... "Donald Gillies" <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>
- Re: [CR]New eBay record for a Raleigh International? <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]Re: New eBay record for a Raleigh Internatoinal? <EdVintage63@aol.com>
- [CR]Mercian serial numbers <"velocio@earthlink.net">
- [CR]WTB: Gaslo Bar Plug "David Bilenkey" <dbilenkey@sympatico.ca>
- Re: [CR]Mathauser "M" vs. "C" brake pads -- thanks!! <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]04 velo rendezvous Green Wizard-green campy parts? "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Period upgrades to Raleigh Internationals <rhawks@lmi.net>
- RE: [CR](CR) Mystery Bike (Barry Goldstein) "David Bilenkey" <dbilenkey@sympatico.ca>
- Re: [CR](CR) Mystery Bike (Barry Goldstein) "Fredrick Yavorsky" <fred@twistcomm.com>
- Re: [CR]New eBay record for a Raleigh International? "Fredrick Yavorsky" <fred@twistcomm.com>
- Re: [CR]04 velo rendezvous Green Wizard-green campy parts? "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- Re: [CR]Fiamme Rims <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- [CR] Ebay Outing "Hilary Stone" <hilary.stone@blueyonder.co.uk>
- Re: [CR]04 velo rendezvous Green Wizard-green campy parts? "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Ebay Outing: 1951 Campagnolo goodies "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- RE: [CR]04 velo rendezvous Green Wizard-green campy parts? "David Bilenkey" <dbilenkey@sympatico.ca>
- [CR]Internal cable routing "steve collins" <sc@scollinsdesigns.com>
- [CR]Ten Speed Drive and Guerrciotti "L Travers" <lat7575@swbell.net>
- Re: [CR]Claud Butler serial #'s "sam Lingo" <samclingo@hotmail.com>
- [CR]04 velo rendezvous Blue Wizard-green campy parts? <jimmycue@att.net>
- [CR](CR) Mystery Bike (Barry Goldstein) <goldstein.b@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Internal cable routing "Steve Maas" <stevem@nonlintec.com>
- [CR]Gently changing one of the Keepers of the Flame "Kenneth Stagg" <kenneth.stagg@gmail.com>
- [CR]wanted Shimano barend shifters "miller" <boy@dc.rr.com>
- [CR]Houston Flea Market 13 November "Angel Garcia" <veronaman@comcast.net>
- RE: [CR]04 velo rendezvous Green Wizard-green campy parts? <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- [CR]bottecchia history "Howard Darr" <heddarr@indianaconnect.com>
- Re: [CR]Ten Speed Drive and Guerrciotti <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- [CR]Make your own mind up about this seller - the other de rosa "e a" <moschika@hotmail.com>
- [CR]An account of L"Eroica "Angel Garcia" <veronaman@comcast.net>
- [CR]MY patch quantities on ebay. "Wspokes" <wspokes@penn.com>
- [CR]Velo Rendezvous IV photo request "Jay Van De Velde" <jaysportif@yahoo.com>
- [CR]stuff listed "Matteo Brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- [CR]An account of L"Eroica "Edward Albert" <ealbert@bellatlantic.net>
- [CR]matthew gorski - your email is bouncing... "joel metz, ifbma/sfbma" <magpie@blackbirdsf.org>
- [CR]couple new things on ebay "joel metz, ifbma/sfbma" <magpie@blackbirdsf.org>
- Re: [CR]Velo Rendezvous IV photo request "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- [CR]Re: cable routing "steve collins" <sc@scollinsdesigns.com>
- [CR]Velo Rendezvous IV "Scott Alan Smith" <giantleap@peoplepc.com>
- [CR]Back online again from Wisconsin <PNAIMAN@wi.rr.com>
- [CR]Undated SA AW hub "Mike Self" <self@fuse.net>
- RE: [CR]Internal cable routing "Steve Birmingham" <sbirmingham@mindspring.com>
- [CR]Must Sees in Southern Tuscany? "Kurt Sperry" <haxixe@gmail.com>
- [CR]bike shops in Boulder? <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Mercian serial numbers <MercianPro@aol.com>
- [CR]CR Timeline Lore!! "Richard M Sachs" <richardsachs@juno.com>
- Re: [CR]find of the day <MercianPro@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]bike shops in Boulder? "rocketman531" <rocketman531@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Re: Ten Speed Drive and Guerrciotti. "John Clay" <jmedclay@hotmail.com>
- Re: [CR]bike shops in Boulder? <PBridge130@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Hartnraft or Hartranft? "Peter Jon White" <lists@peterwhitecycles.com>
- [CR]back after an extended away "Linwood S. Hines" <lshines@comcast.net>
- [CR]Mercian Serial # Pic <MercianPro@aol.com>
- [CR]For sale:New Campagnolo Patches offer "nick zatezalo" <nickzz@mindspring.com>
- [CR]Raleigh "International" decal project "Donald Gillies" <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>
- Re: [CR]Must Sees in Southern Tuscany? <PBridge130@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Must Sees in Southern Tuscany? "Angel Garcia" <veronaman@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Undated SA AW hub "Hilary Stone" <hilary.stone@blueyonder.co.uk>
- Re: [CR]Must Sees in Southern Tuscany? "Richard M Sachs" <richardsachs@juno.com>
- [CR]Lundgoot Pre War Paramount?? "First Flight Bicycles" <jeff@firstflightbikes.com>
- [CR]Cheaper Raleigh Seat Pin Diameter ? "r cielec" <teaat4p@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Re: Find of the day <saint09@bellsouth.net>
- [CR]Velo Rendezvous IV, A first timer's perspective "John Morrison" <mrsummit@cox.net>
- RE: [CR]Internal cable routing "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- [CR]More SA - AW questions "meade anderson" <meade1@erols.com>
- Re: [CR]Raleigh "International" decal project "rocketman531" <rocketman531@earthlink.net>
- [CR]EBAY OUTING Rare, classic Japan-built road racer.actually a 3RENSHO!! "Bob Freitas" <freitas1@pacbell.net>
- [CR]bike rescue day Seth F <vahdia@att.net>
- Re: [CR]Lundgoot Pre War Paramount?? "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <joebz@optonline.net>
- Re: [CR]Cheaper Raleigh Seat Pin Diameter ? "Marcus Coles" <marcoles@ody.ca>
- Re: [CR]Internal cable routing "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <joebz@optonline.net>
- [CR]Vintage crank arm breakage summary report <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Lundgoot Pre War Paramount?? <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]EBAY OUTING Rare, classic Japan-built road racer.actually a 3RENSHO!! "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]Cheaper Raleigh Seat Pin Diameter ? "Pete Geurds" <raleighpro@dejazzd.com>
- [CR]Bike shops in Milwaukee and vicinity "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete@37.com>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: pending new high? "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]Gran Sport? "Jim McCoin" <j.mccoin@comcast.net>
- [CR]ebay outing: pending new high? "C. Andrews" <chasds@mindspring.com>
- Re: [CR]Gran Sport? "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]FS: "Bicycle: A celebration of the invention" "Steven L. Sheffield" <stevens@veloworks.com>
- Re: [CR]Internal cable routing "Kurt Sperry" <haxixe@gmail.com>
- Re: [CR]GANNA Outing on Ebay "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Mafac? Parts Question "Jeff Slotkin" <jeffslotkin@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: pending new high? >>> First Slant Parralellogram?? <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]GANNA Outing on Ebay <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: pending new high? >>> First Parralellogram?? <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]bike shops in Boulder? <hersefan@comcast.net>
- [CR]Denver Veloswap Vintage Stuff <hersefan@comcast.net>
- [CR]FS: 23 inch 1960's Allegro Special f&f "Tom Hayes" <hayesbikes@nls.net>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: pending new high? >>> First Parralellogram?? "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]EBAY OUTING Rare, classic Japan-built road racer.actually a 3RENSHO!! "Ben Sanford" <Ben@bikerider.com>
- [CR]Jack-ass auction for Cinelli "Ted E. Baer" <wickedsky@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]Mafac? Parts Question "Pete Geurds" <raleighpro@dejazzd.com>
- [CR]FREE BIKE-KIDS SIZE MOTOBECANE "Bob Freitas" <freitas1@pacbell.net>
- [CR]fingers faster than my brain RE MOTOBECANE KIDS BIKE "Bob Freitas" <freitas1@pacbell.net>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: pending new high? <themaaslands@comcast.net>
- [CR]Merckx, Thevenet and Christophe bike shirts "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Jack-ass auction for Cinelli "Retrofan531" <Retrofan531@allegiance.tv>
- [CR]Interbike 2004 "Jan Johnson" <picabo58@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: pending new high? >>> First Parralellogram?? "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- [CR]More 2004 VeloRendezvous Photos <PaulieFlt@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Cheaper Raleigh Seat Pin Diameter ? "r cielec" <teaat4p@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Early parallelogram derailleurs: Campy wins, sort of. "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: pending new high? <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]GANNA Outing on Ebay <themaaslands@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]FREE BIKE-KIDS SIZE MOTOBECANE "Mark Stonich" <mark@bikesmithdesign.com>
- [CR]Cinelli Road Bike <"airart5@netzero.net">
- [CR]WTB Normandy Luxe Competition Hubs.... <t.kielman@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Interbike 2004 <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- Re: [CR]Interbike 2004 <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- [CR]interesting French pro team items on ebay <themaaslands@comcast.net>
- [CR].........23" Philbrook Racing Bicycle for sale <GRIFFKS@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Interbike 2004 "Peter Jon White" <lists@peterwhitecycles.com>
- [CR]~'73 Raleigh Professional Frameset for Sale "Eric Elman" <tr4play@cox.net>
- [CR]Campagnolo NR Brake Levers w/Gum Hoods For Sale "Eric Elman" <tr4play@cox.net>
- Re: [CR]Revised/FS:~'73 Raleigh Professional Frameset for Sale "Eric Elman" <tr4play@cox.net>
- RE: [CR]New eBay record for a Raleigh International? STATUS UPDATE "Douglas Morrell" <dmorrell@nomise.com>
- [CR]Raleigh Pro MK III decals "Stephen Barner" <steve@sburl.com>
- Re: [CR]Early parallelogram derailleurs: Campy wins, sort of. "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]Sup' Air tubes "reilley_1" <reilley_1@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]Re: CLB Alloy Cables "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- RE: [CR]New eBay record for a Raleigh International? STATUS UPDATE "Mike Dayton" <mdayton@nc.rr.com>
- Re: [CR]Record high price for European ebay? "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- RE: [CR]New eBay record for a Raleigh International? STATUS UPDATE "Donald Gillies" <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>
- Re: [CR]Record high price for European ebay? "Donald Gillies" <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>
- Re: [CR]Re: CLB Alloy Cables "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]WAS,PLUNGER TYPE DERAILLEUR now SCORE OF the WEEK "Bob Freitas" <freitas1@pacbell.net>
- [CR]CR List RE Items for Sale. <Cantiflex@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Record high price for European ebay? "Stephen Barner" <steve@sburl.com>
- [CR]JR MOTOBECANE is SPOKEN for "Bob Freitas" <freitas1@pacbell.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: CLB Alloy Cables <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: CLB Alloy Cables "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <joebz@optonline.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: Toei 50th Anniversary Specials "Kenneth Stagg" <kenneth.stagg@gmail.com>
- Re: [CR]Early parallelogram derailleurs: Campy wins, sort of. <hersefan@comcast.net>
- RE: [CR]New eBay record for a Raleigh International? STATUS UPDATE <hersefan@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: Toei 50th Anniversary Specials "Kurt Sperry" <haxixe@gmail.com>
- [CR]VR 4, or Mr. Hubs takes a vacation "Larry Osborn" <losborn2@wvu.edu>
- Re: [CR]Re: Toei 50th Anniversary Specials "Kurt Sperry" <haxixe@gmail.com>
- [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 22, Issue 25 "Stephen Barner" <steve@sburl.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: Toei 50th Anniversary Specials "Kurt Sperry" <haxixe@gmail.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: CLB Alloy Cables "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Early parallelogram derailleurs: Campy wins, sort of. "Hilary Stone" <hilary.stone@blueyonder.co.uk>
- [CR]Ebay outing: $100 Mercian - 2 hours to go "Tom Forhan" <fourwdvw@yahoo.com>
- [CR]FS: MASI SPECIAL FRAME AND FORK "C. Andrews" <chasds@mindspring.com>
- Re: [CR]Record high price for European ebay? <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
- [CR]Re: Toei 50th Anniversary Specials <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Record high price for European ebay? "greg arnold" <greg@nofatcomm.com>
- [CR]Record high price for European ebay? <themaaslands@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: CLB Alloy Cables "Ken Wehrenberg" <wnwires@htc.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: Toei 50th Anniversary Specials "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <joebz@optonline.net>
- [CR]Huret Duopar Catalog/Brochure scans "Amir Avitzur" <avitzur@013.net>
- Re: [CR]Record high price for European ebay? "Jay Van De Velde" <jaysportif@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Early parallelogram derailleurs: Campy wins, sort of. "Hilary Stone" <hilary.stone@blueyonder.co.uk>
- [CR]re. 1973 Raleigh Professional frame for sale <velorosso@charter.net>
- [CR]A Good Day "Eric Elman" <tr4play@cox.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: CLB Alloy Cables "Warren & Elizabeth" <warbetty@sympatico.ca>
- [CR]Universal brake lever question "C. Andrews" <chasds@mindspring.com>
- Re: [CR]Record high price for European ebay? "kim klakow" <Akimbo71@gmx.net>
- [CR]wtb hubs "Matteo Brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- [CR]re. 1973 Raleigh Professional frame for sale "Stephen Barner" <steve@sburl.com>
- [CR]Nice picture of Jan Johnsn's Retro Wool Jersey "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- [CR]RE: CR Sup'Air Tubes, long and windy, but maybe interesting. "R Bulis" <RichardBulis@msn.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: CLB Alloy Cables "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- [CR]Wooden rim prices. "Greg Groth" <ggroth@gregs-garage.com>
- [CR]VR4 "Joe Bell" <joebell@cox.net>
- Re: [CR]Craigslist outing: $2K Pog "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- [CR]Headset size question "Michael Davies" <msdavi59@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Info of Westland (UK) bikes? "Michael Davies" <msdavi59@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Masi restoration? "Rick Paulos" <rick-paulos@uiowa.edu>
- [CR]FS: Campy wheelset, Sugino crank "Scott Alan Smith" <giantleap@peoplepc.com>
- Re: [CR]$2K Pog on Craig's list. "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Masi restoration? <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Craigslist outing: $2K Pog "John Jorgensen" <designzero@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Headset size question "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]SF Bay Area Vintage Ride, Sun. 10-17 "dave martinez" <dmart84815@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]$2K Pog on Craig's list. "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Re: Interbike photos up... <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]What spoke length (or how to calculate)? "dan kasha" <dankasha@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]What spoke length (or how to calculate)? "stevens" <stevens@veloworks.com>
- Re: [CR]What spoke length (or how to calculate)? "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- Re: [CR]Headset size question "Fredrick Yavorsky" <fred@twistcomm.com>
- Re: [CR]Tansini on ebay "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]$2K Pog on Craig's list. "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
- [CR]Tansini on ebay <LouDeeter@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]What spoke length (or how to calculate)? "Peter Jon White" <lists@peterwhitecycles.com>
- [CR]Re: Tansini on ebay "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
- [CR]poglilaghi on craigslist "C. Andrews" <chasds@mindspring.com>
- Re: [CR]Tansini on ebay "Kurt Sperry" <haxixe@gmail.com>
- [CR]Re: Damaged Pog <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]$2K Pog on Craig's list. <"airart5@netzero.net">
- [CR]Please remove from list! "Ron Skarin" <ronskarin@sbcglobal.net>
- FW: Re: [CR]Tansini on ebay "nick zatezalo" <nickzz@mindspring.com>
- Re: [CR]Tansini on ebay <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]What spoke length (or how to calculate)? "all the way thru' asia..." <2bikes@asia.com>
- [CR]Last call for Japanese leather goods "Dennis Young" <mail@woodworkingboy.com>
- [CR]Too many messages? Try this before unsubscribing! "Roy H. Drinkwater" <roydrink@ptd.net>
- [CR] "Ian Webb" <Ian.Webb@parallel-house.co.uk>
- [CR]New member bio - Michael Davies "Michael Davies" <msdavi59@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Headset size question "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- Re: [CR]Bike of Death; Weyless Pillar "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: Toei 50th Anniversary Specials/Sugino products "henox" <henox@icycle.net>
- Re: [CR]Headset size question "Fredrick Yavorsky" <fred@twistcomm.com>
- [CR]Bike of Death; Weyless Pillar <luddite@ozemail.com.au>
- [CR]General note. Late replys and so on, Cyclus tooling "renaissance-cycles" <info@renaissance-cycles.com>
- Re: [CR]GB Syncron opinions? "Kenneth Stagg" <kenneth.stagg@gmail.com>
- [CR]Mailing help from a Brit, please "Tom Hayes" <hayesbikes@nls.net>
- [CR]Danger- Blatant Commercialism "goodrichbikes" <goodrichbikes@netzero.net>
- Re: [CR]$2K Pog on Craig's list. "renaissance-cycles" <info@renaissance-cycles.com>
- [CR]GB Syncron opinions? "David Bilenkey" <dbilenkey@sympatico.ca>
- [CR] Items for sale "Michael Butler" <laquelda@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]New member bio - Michael Davies "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- [CR]question about "Micro-Milling" nomenclature? <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]1981 Lotus Aero Super Pro. FS "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- [CR]Source of round forks blades and matching fork crown "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- Re: [CR]GB Syncron opinions? <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]Carlton Flyer Frame for Trade "Jerry Corcoran" <jerry@proactivesports.com>
- Re: [CR] GB / Altenburger Syncron opinions? "Larry Osborn" <losborn2@wvu.edu>
- Re: [CR] GB / Altenburger Syncron opinions? <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]Oct 17 SF Bay Area Ride is CANCELED. "dave martinez" <dmart84815@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Black Dura ace parts <chuck1sd@cox.net>
- Re: [CR]GB Syncron opinions? "Pete Geurds" <raleighpro@dejazzd.com>
- [CR]ebay outing: cambio corsa frame <chasds@mindspring.com>
- [CR]ebay outing, two Trek 710 touring frames "Vince Connelly" <vincent.connelly@unh.edu>
- Re: [CR]Black Dura ace parts "CHRISTOPHER ARKELL" <chris_arkell@msn.com>
- Re: [CR]GB Syncron opinions? <themaaslands@comcast.net>
- [CR]Best way to get an old heap moving <DvdsnJ603@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Best way to get an old heap moving "John Pergolizzi" <jtperry1@verizon.net>
- Re: [CR] GB / Altenburger Syncron opinions? <themaaslands@comcast.net>
- [CR]Bike trip Kyoto report "Dennis Young" <mail@woodworkingboy.com>
- Re: [CR]Tansini on ebay "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <joebz@optonline.net>
- RE: [CR]Black Dura ace parts "Bingham, Wayne R." <WBINGHAM@imf.org>
- [CR]Delayed VR IV report and salute to Gianni P <Tonythreerings@aol.com>
- [CR]Ebay outtings and onlist offering only. "Wspokes" <wspokes@penn.com>
- RE: [CR]Coo Coo Clock Brakes? "Matthew Gorski" <bikenut@verizon.net>
- RE: [CR]Coo Coo Clock Brakes? "George Argiris" <George.Argiris@mitchell.com>
- [CR]Coo Coo Clock Brakes? <MMEison@aol.com>
- [CR]1930's - 40's mystery bike...lugless Claud Butler? "Michael Davies" <msdavi59@yahoo.com>
- [CR]O'Grady comic "Roy H. Drinkwater" <roydrink@ptd.net>
- Re: [CR]Coo Coo Clock Brakes? "John Pergolizzi" <jtperry1@verizon.net>
- [CR]RE Black Dura Ace components "Geoff Duke" <G.Duke@civag.unimelb.edu.au>
- [CR]trading for the impossible "Edward Albert" <ealbert@bellatlantic.net>
- Re: [CR]Coo Coo Clock Brakes? "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- [CR]Biketoberfest in Fairfax California Oct 23, Swap in San Rafael Oct 24 "chris" <chriseye@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Coo Coo Clock Brakes? "nick zatezalo" <nickzz@mindspring.com>
- Re: [CR]Coo Coo Clock Brakes? <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR] Ebay Outing "Hilary Stone" <hilary.stone@blueyonder.co.uk>
- [CR]Need help identifying possible Mooney frameset <velorosso@charter.net>
- [CR]Knurling on dropouts <rhawks@lmi.net>
- [CR]Simplex SLJ 6600 In Timeline? <"airart5@netzero.net">
- [CR]Re: CR]1930's - 40's mystery bike...lugless Claud Butler? <cjscheiner@pol.net>
- Re: [CR]Campy Sinterized Pads; Was: Coo Coo Clock Brakes? "Paul C. Brodek" <pcb@skyweb.net>
- Re: [CR]Guerciotti headset threading and seat tube size "Jim Allen" <jimallen@nctimes.net>
- [CR]WTB: GB handlebars "P.C. Kohler" <kohl57@starpower.net>
- [CR]Guerciotti headset threading "L Travers" <lat7575@swbell.net>
- [CR]Guerciotti headset threading and seat tube size "L Travers" <lat7575@swbell.net>
- [CR]Re: Zeus bicycle <chuck1sd@cox.net>
- [CR]Osgear/Derailleur Hybrid. "Mark Stevens" <mountgerald@btopenworld.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: CR]1930's - 40's mystery bike...lugless Claud Butler? "Michael Davies" <msdavi59@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Pictures...from yesterday's 'Mystery bike' post "Michael Davies" <msdavi59@yahoo.com>
- [CR]WTB: Cinelli handlebar in 44cm c-c "Lee Huffaker" <mrjarbles@yahoo.com>
- [CR]WTB: LAPIZE red toe straps, old logo... "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]74mm bottom bracket "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]How to tell if Columbus Record or KL "Raymond Dobbins" <raydobbins2003@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Who made the worst bikes? Bottechia gets one vote <rhawks@lmi.net>
- [CR]Desperately seeking 165mm left side Campagnolo crank arm... "Fred Rafael Rednor" <fred_rednor@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Who made the worst bike ?? "Rick Paulos" <rick-paulos@uiowa.edu>
- [CR]1975 Alex Singer touring bike - $1700 "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- [CR]Question re: Simplex JUY 543 "David Cooper" <dbcooper@rcn.com>
- Re: [CR]How to tell if Columbus Record or KL "Richard M Sachs" <richardsachs@juno.com>
- [CR]the entrepreneurial spirit alive and well in Cincinnati <chasds@mindspring.com>
- Re: [CR]Not a Cinelli? "Harris" <bianchipan@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Silicon Valley Ride - Sunday 10/17 is on again "David Clementson" <dclement@speakeasy.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: Zeus bicycle <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- [CR]older campy frame decal on ebay <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]Not a Cinelli? "Angel Garcia" <veronaman@comcast.net>
- [CR]1960s Bianchi and Olmo Ebay outing <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]Re: Cinelli, no Gitane "alan" <worthy2@earthlink.net>
- [CR]High Flange Hubs -1965 Sunburst and 1972 TIPO's , 1972 Record HF and more On eBay
- [CR]Campagnolo decal "Michael Allison" <banjodoc@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Keeper of the Flame - 1984 Masi Alexi Grewal Track Bike
- Re: [CR]older campy frame decal on ebay <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- Re: [CR]74mm bottom bracket <hersefan@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Who made the worst bike ?? "David Benson" <bensondoc@yahoo.com.au>
- RE: [CR]older campy frame decal on ebay "nick zatezalo" <nickzz@mindspring.com>
- Re: [CR]older campy frame decal on ebay <FedMaritime@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]cinelli "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- Re: [CR]the entrepreneurial spirit alive and well in Cincinnati "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- [CR]cinelli "Matteo Brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- [CR]Shimano Pre-HyperGlide Cassettes "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR](CR) Re: VR4 (Joe Bell) Pasadena Show <Huskeytwo@aol.com>
- [CR]FS: Mel Pinto "Cortina" Jacket "Neill Currie" <neill1234@yahoo.com>
- [CR]WTB: REG toe strap buttons wanted "Scott Alan Smith" <giantleap@peoplepc.com>
- [CR]Chesini city bike outing on ebay <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]WTB: 19" Peugeot "David Cooper" <dbcooper@rcn.com>
- Re: [CR]Shimano Pre-HyperGlide Cassettes "Fredrick Yavorsky" <fred@twistcomm.com>
- Re: [CR](CR) Re: VR4 (Joe Bell) Pasadena Show <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR](CR) Re: VR4 (Joe Bell) Pasadena Show "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- [CR]Clearout sale continues...bargains galore! "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
- [CR]Bromley Videos (UK) <"kohl57@starpower.net">
- [CR]FS: FUTURE CLASSIC GROUP "Kirk Pacenti" <kirk@bikelugs.com>
- [CR]RE: BIANCHI on EBAY "Bob Freitas" <freitas1@pacbell.net>
- Re: [CR]Chesini city bike outing on ebay <themaaslands@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Chesini city bike outing on ebay <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]CR Ride - DC/Maryland Area Sunday, 17 October "Ken Sanford" <kanford@comcast.net>
- [CR]Who is the "Gallery" host "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete@37.com>
- [CR]Jeff Lindsay -- some beautiful frame work <PBridge130@aol.com>
- [CR]Cuevas on Ebay <LouDeeter@aol.com>
- [CR]Re: late 40's Sieber track bike "Edward Albert" <ealbert@bellatlantic.net>
- [CR]Nothched campy front derailleur <ABB3330002@aol.com>
- [CR]Proper Rims for '75 Masi GC? <jsquires0912@aol.com>
- RE: Re: [CR]Warning: Attempts to sell list members bikes.... "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete@37.com>
- RE: Re: [CR]Warning: Attempts to sell list members bikes.... "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete@37.com>
- Re: [CR]San Diego Vintage Ride/ Oct. 17 "Mark Wolfe" <markw@wolfenet.org>
- [CR]re: 1984 Masi Alexi Grewal Track Bike "Professore di Pimpissimo" <bici_pimp@mac.com>
- [CR]Possible Fraud Schwinn Paramount on Ebay "Donald Gillies" <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>
- [CR] Frame & Fixed Items For sale "Michael Butler" <laquelda@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Was: Jeff Lindsay --Mountain bikes are off topic <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]Warning: Attempts to sell list members bikes.... <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Warning: Attempts to sell list members bikes.... <Philcycles@aol.com>
- [CR]Jo Routens for sale "David Feldman" <feldmanbike@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Possible Fraud Schwinn Paramount on Ebay "Retrofan531" <Retrofan531@allegiance.tv>
- [CR]Montelatici FS <PUTTER2451@aol.com>
- [CR]Update on the Cinelli/Gitane on E-Bay "Greg and Darlene Pitman" <gpit@ix.netcom.com>
- Re: [CR]Possible Fraud Schwinn Paramount on Ebay "Stephen Barner" <steve@sburl.com>
- [CR]San Diego Vintage Ride/ Oct. 17 <"brianbaylis@juno.com">
- Re: [CR]Chesini city bike outing on ebay <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Update on the Cinelli/Gitane on E-Bay "Duane Kennard" <d.kennard@adelphia.net>
- [CR]WTB: 25.4 Alloy Seat Pin "r cielec" <teaat4p@yahoo.com>
- [CR]WTB - Campgnolo #626 cable guide (cable stop LH/ tube RH) "john jorgensen" <designzero@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Update on the Cinelli/Gitane on E-Bay "Harris" <bianchipan@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Tall Super Sport <Carb7008@cs.com>
- Re: [CR]Update on the Cinelli/Gitane on E-Bay "roman stankus" <rstankus@mindspring.com>
- [CR]Informative ebay listing "nick zatezalo" <nickzz@mindspring.com>
- [CR]FS: 23 inch Cliver Stuart frame and fork "Tom Hayes" <hayesbikes@nls.net>
- Re: [CR]Chesini city bike outing on ebay "kim klakow" <Akimbo71@gmx.net>
- Re: [CR]San Diego Vintage Ride/ Oct. 17 (Ride Report) <JDALLDORF@san.rr.com>
- [CR] Re; Phibrook & Track Stem "Michael Butler" <laquelda@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Re: Informative ebay listing/Sachs frameset <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]Now: Visit to Sieber Was: late 40's Sieber track bike "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Looking for Michael Kone "Edward Albert" <ealbert@bellatlantic.net>
- RE: [CR]Possible Fraud Schwinn Paramount on Ebay "David Bilenkey" <dbilenkey@sympatico.ca>
- Re: [CR]Re Early Campagnolo Nuovo record rea mech. "Mark Stonich" <mark@bikesmithdesign.com>
- [CR] Silicon Valley Ride Report "David Clementson" <dclement@speakeasy.net>
- Re: [CR]San Diego Vintage Ride/ Oct. 17 (Ride Report) "Mark Wolfe" <markw@wolfenet.org>
- Re: [CR] Silicon Valley Ride Report "Mark Wolfe" <markw@wolfenet.org>
- Re: [CR]Cinelli's Rollers "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <joebz@optonline.net>
- [CR]Cinelli Rollers "Brian" <twobouvs@yahoo.ca>
- [CR]Re Early Campagnolo Nuovo record rea mech. "Mark Stevens" <mountgerald@btopenworld.com>
- RE: [CR]Cinelli's Rollers "Peter Koskinen" <peter@prkbikes.com>
- Re: [CR]Cinelli's Rollers "John Pergolizzi" <jtperry1@verizon.net>
- [CR]Velo Rendezvous IV Winners "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Looking for Bob Hovey "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete1@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Weight of Rigida 13-20's? Other comments? <PBridge130@aol.com>
- [CR]Weight of Rigida 13-20's? Other comments? "brian blum" <bbspokes@lycos.com>
- RE: [CR]Weight of Rigida 13-20's? Other comments? "Mark Stonich" <mark@bikesmithdesign.com>
- Re: [CR]Weight of Rigida 13-20's? Other comments? "Peter Jon White" <lists@peterwhitecycles.com>
- RE: [CR]Weight of Rigida 13-20's? Other comments? "Thomas R. Adams, Jr." <kctommy@msn.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: late 40's Sieber track bike "henox" <henox@icycle.net>
- [CR]WTB: Mafac cantilever brakes "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC <chasds@mindspring.com>
- [CR]Ken Sanford's Vintage ride on 10-17-04 "hydelake" <hydelake@bcpl.net>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Fwd: FS 80's DeRosa Campy Super Record complete bike "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC "Steven L. Sheffield" <stevens@veloworks.com>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC "Steven L. Sheffield" <stevens@veloworks.com>
- [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Rigida 1320 Rim Weight <CYCLESTORE@aol.com>
- [CR]WTB/Campag question "David Feldman" <feldmanbike@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC <FedMaritime@aol.com>
- [CR]Lugs as a art form. "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- [CR]Interest in Cotter Press Production Run?? "Mark Stonich" <mark@bikesmithdesign.com>
- Re: [CR]Weight of Rigida 13-20's? Other comments? "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <joebz@optonline.net>
- [CR]Need assistance from a list member living in San Jose "Jay Sexton" <jvs@sonic.net>
- Re: [CR]Picchio pronunciation? <PBridge130@aol.com>
- [CR]when was my Eisentrout made? "Linus Owen-Garni" <linusog@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- Re: [CR]Weight of Rigida 13-20's? Other comments? "Ken Wehrenberg" <wnwires@htc.net>
- [CR]Picchio pronunciation? <t.kielman@comcast.net>
- [CR]Della Santa on eBay
- [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
- [CR]DeRosa Cambio Corsa? "Dennis Young" <mail@woodworkingboy.com>
- [CR]Before Rigida 13-20's they made 13-19's which failed "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- [CR]Looking for Scott Golstein "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete1@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Very Fine Photos from L'Eroica 2004 "Angel Garcia" <veronaman@comcast.net>
- [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC "Rick Paulos" <rick-paulos@uiowa.edu>
- [CR]picchio <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- [CR]Allegro website "Rydjor Bike Shop" <rydjor@smig.net>
- Re: [CR]Before Rigida 13-20's they made 13-19's which failed "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]Nitto bars and stems "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]Raleigh Competition for sale "marc garcia" <marcgarcia80@ameritech.net>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- Re:[CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC "John Jorgensen" <designzero@earthlink.net>
- [CR]WTB: Record 151mm chainring -- 51 tooth "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]re: derosa cambio corsa "scott davis" <francopedia@yahoo.com>
- [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Before Rigida 13-20's they made 13-19's which failed "Howard Darr" <heddarr@indianaconnect.com>
- Re: [CR]Nitto bars and stems "Tom Martin" <tom@wilsonbike.com>
- Re: [CR]Nitto bars and stems "Kenneth Stagg" <kenneth.stagg@gmail.com>
- Re: [CR]Nitto bars and stems "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]De Rosa - Cambio Corsa ? "jack b" <jack_bissell@mac.com>
- Re: [CR]Nitto bars and stems "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- RE: [CR]Nitto bars and stems "Mark J. Encarnacion" <markenki@hotmail.com>
- [CR]You say Cal, I say Carl <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC "Richard M Sachs" <richardsachs@juno.com>
- Re: [CR]Before Rigida 13-20's they made 13-19's which failed "David Feldman" <feldmanbike@yahoo.com>
- [CR]ebay outing: Proteus touring framest "Vince Connelly" <vincent.connelly@unh.edu>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC "Richard M Sachs" <richardsachs@juno.com>
- RE: [CR]Allegro website "chris" <chriseye@comcast.net>
- [CR]Aldo is an expert! "Mark Poore" <rauler83@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Evil Brian Todd Sighting in MTB world - all beware "dave martinez" <dmart84815@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- Re: [CR]Evil Brian Todd Sighting in MTB world - all beware "Mark Poore" <rauler83@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- [CR]Sad Legnano on eBay.... "David Bilenkey" <dbilenkey@sympatico.ca>
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- [CR]Sapim Spokes...? "Duane Kennard" <d.kennard@adelphia.net>
- Re: [CR]Sad Legnano on eBay....
- Re: [CR]ebay outing: another nice Masi GC <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- [CR]Campagnolo wide clamp vs. narrow clamp date... "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Aldo is an expert! <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]Velo Swap in Chicago "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete1@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Sad Legnano on eBay.... <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- RE: [CR]Sad Legnano on eBay.... "David Bilenkey" <dbilenkey@sympatico.ca>
- Re: [CR]Sad Legnano on eBay....
- [CR]Velo Swap information "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete1@yahoo.com>
- RE: [CR]Velo Swap in Chicago "Jan Johnson" <picabo58@earthlink.net>
- RE: [CR]Nitto bars and stems "Thomas R. Adams, Jr." <kctommy@msn.com>
- [CR]Want a good laugh? "Jay Sexton" <jvs@sonic.net>
- [CR]Rigida 13-19 13-20 "brian blum" <bbspokes@lycos.com>
- [CR]Masi come and gone! "greg arnold" <greg@nofatcomm.com>
- [CR]Evil Brian Todd Sighting in MTB world - all beware <hersefan@comcast.net>
- [CR]Regina drilled oro chains "greg arnold" <greg@nofatcomm.com>
- [CR]Lance Armstrong's Personal Travel/Training Frame Set from 1994-1996 "Mark Poore" <rauler83@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Sapim Spokes...? "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <joebz@optonline.net>
- Re: [CR]WTB: Record 151mm chainring -- 51 tooth "Jamie Swan" <jswan@optonline.net>
- [CR]Sapim Spokes "Bill Rider" <charteroak.cycling@verizon.net>
- Re: [CR]Sapim Spokes "Duane Kennard" <d.kennard@adelphia.net>
- [CR]De Rosa - Cambio Corsa ? "Dennis Young" <mail@woodworkingboy.com>
- [CR]Sapim Spokes...? "Steve Kurt" <kurtsj@mtco.com>
- [CR]Colnago Saronni & Columbus Aelle decals "David G. White" <whiteknight@adelphia.net>
- [CR]Stronglight 105bis trade 170mm for 175mm - also A9 headset question "David G. White" <whiteknight@adelphia.net>
- Re: [CR]WTB: Record 151mm chainring -- 51 tooth "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Exxon Graftek 56 0 miles "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Sapim Spokage <CYCLESTORE@aol.com>
- [CR]re: Merckx Colnago <chasds@mindspring.com>
- [CR]Was Colnago Saronni, now Aelle <PBridge130@aol.com>
- [CR]The Holy Grail - Eddy's Colnago "Feeken, Dirk" <dirk.feeken@sap.com>
- [CR]UPS Shipping costs ?s "Mark Poore" <rauler83@yahoo.com>
- [CR]RE: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 22, Issue 46 "Clarence Kokkinis" <ckokkinis@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]UPS Shipping costs ?s "Duane Kennard" <d.kennard@adelphia.net>
- Re: [CR]Masi come and gone! <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- Re: [CR]Allegro info wanted "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- [CR]FS: Masi 3V frameset "Peter Koskinen" <peter@prkbikes.com>
- [CR]For a source of Stronglite parts "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- Fwd: [CR]Allegro info wanted "Brook Watts" <brook.watts@comcast.net>
- [CR]adding chrome to an already painted/finished bike? "w.a. manning" <wamanning@email.com>
- [CR] Four framss for Sale 20/10/04 "Hilary Stone" <hilary.stone@blueyonder.co.uk>
- [CR]Allegro info wanted "Rydjor Bike Shop" <rydjor@smig.net>
- Re: [CR]Sapim Spokes "David Feldman" <feldmanbike@yahoo.com>
- RE: [CR]UPS Shipping costs ?s "Peter Koskinen" <peter@prkbikes.com>
- Re: [CR]Suntour V-Luxe "Harris" <bianchipan@yahoo.com>
- re:[CR]Sturmey-Archer box "Bikeville" <Bikeville@erols.com>
- Re: [CR]UPS Shipping costs ?s <LouDeeter@aol.com>
- [CR]Sturmey-Archer box "Toni Theilmeier" <Toni.Theilmeier@t-online.de>
- [CR]eBay outing: 1969 Flying Scot Ventoux "David G. White" <whiteknight@adelphia.net>
- [CR] Year range for Miche hubs, Mavic Modele 3 rims and Stronglight 106 crank "Carl Gonzalez" <bikecg@att.net>
- Re: [CR] Year range for Miche hubs, Mavic Modele 3 rims and Stronglight 106 crank "David G. White" <whiteknight@adelphia.net>
- [CR]Suntour V-Luxe "Bainbridge" <gotfleas@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Was Colnago Saronni, now Aelle <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Suntour V-Luxe "Fredrick Yavorsky" <fred@twistcomm.com>
- Re: [CR]Suntour V-Luxe <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Suntour V-Luxe <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]Wanted to buy... "Duncan Granger" <dgranger@comcast.net>
- [CR]Interesting shoes <RDF1249@aol.com>
- RE: [CR]UPS Shipping costs ?s <hersefan@comcast.net>
- [CR]Harry Quinn on e-bay "Jay Sexton" <jvs@sonic.net>
- [CR]unusual Trade offer "Wspokes" <wspokes@penn.com>
- [CR]Suntour V-Luxe "Donald Gillies" <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>
- [CR]Suntour V-Luxe <"airart5@netzero.net">
- RE: [CR]UPS Shipping costs "Douglas Morrell" <dmorrell@nomise.com>
- [CR]few more french bits on ebay... "joel metz, ifbma/sfbma" <magpie@blackbirdsf.org>
- Re: [CR]Colnago Arabesque "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete1@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Colnago Arabesque <markie37@intergate.com>
- Re: [CR]fishing for shipping from SF "Mitchell Gass" <mitchell@gassworks.com>
- Re: [CR]fishing for shipping from SF "Chris Zappala" <chris@indra.com>
- Re: [CR]fishing for shipping from SF "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- [CR]veloswap in Denver oct 23? "dan kasha" <dankasha@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Today's SF Craigslist haul "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- [CR]fishing for shipping from SF <marcus.e.helman@gm.com>
- [CR]Questions regarding Limongi <marcus.e.helman@gm.com>
- Re: [CR]Was Colnago Saronni, now Aelle <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]braze-on history <marcus.e.helman@gm.com>
- Re: [CR]fishing for shipping from SF <PBridge130@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]braze-on history <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]Re: BVVW Meeting Tues. Oct.26 , 6:00p.m. "John Pergolizzi" <jtperry1@verizon.net>
- Re: [CR]braze-on history "Sheldon Brown" <CaptBike@sheldonbrown.com>
- [CR]1979 Chris Kvale Cycles Road Frameset EBay Item number: 7108862346 "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- [CR]1969 Vintage Flying Scot Ventoux Campagnolo Road Bike For sale on Ebay "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- Re: [CR]braze-on history <hersefan@comcast.net>
- [CR]Campagnolo 144 bcd 39T chainring ?? "Donald Gillies" <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>
- [CR] =?iso-8859-1?q?M=E9ral_frame?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?Alexander_Ny=DFen?= <alexander@nyssen.org>
- [CR] Ebay Outing "Hilary Stone" <hilary.stone@blueyonder.co.uk>
- Fork Leg lamp bracket Was - Re: [CR]braze-on history "Thomas R. Adams, Jr." <kctommy@msn.com>
- [CR]Hello from a new list member "Brad Upton" <iriscat@peak.org>
- Re: [CR]braze-on history "sam Lingo" <samclingo@hotmail.com>
- Re: [CR]braze-on history <"airart5@netzero.net">
- Re: [CR]braze-on history "sam Lingo" <samclingo@hotmail.com>
- Re: [CR]Today's SF Craigslist haul "Dan Kehew" <dan.kehew@gmail.com>
- Re: [CR]Today's SF Craigslist haul "Dan Kehew" <dan.kehew@gmail.com>
- Re: [CR]1979 Chris Kvale Cycles Road Frameset EBay Item number: 7108862346 "Doug Van Cleve" <dvancleve@gmail.com>
- [CR]speaking of braze-ons... "joel metz, ifbma/sfbma" <magpie@blackbirdsf.org>
- [CR]Trainers "Brad Potter" <bpotter39@comcast.net>
- [CR]A nice ride, but... "Toni Theilmeier" <Toni.Theilmeier@t-online.de>
- Re: [CR]Campagnolo 144 bcd 39T chainring ?? <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Trainers "John Pergolizzi" <jtperry1@verizon.net>
- Re: [CR]Campagnolo 144 bcd 39T chainring ?? "Peter Jon White" <lists@peterwhitecycles.com>
- Re: [CR]Trainers... Off topic. <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]Apology to the list "Brad Potter" <bpotter39@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Campagnolo 144 bcd 39T chainring ?? "Ken Sanford" <kanford@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Campagnolo 144 bcd 39T chainring ?? <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]todays Craigslist haul /olmo "Jay Sexton" <jvs@sonic.net>
- re: [CR]speaking of braze-ons... "Jack Fortune" <jfortune@uoregon.edu>
- Re: [CR]veloswap in Denver oct 23? <hersefan@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Today's SF Craigslist haul "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- [CR]universal brake caliper - date? model? "joel metz, ifbma/sfbma" <magpie@blackbirdsf.org>
- [CR]Italvega on e-bay "Jay Sexton" <jvs@sonic.net>
- [CR]SF Craigslist add-on: Track Galore "Dan Kehew" <dan.kehew@gmail.com>
- Re: [CR]speaking of braze-ons... "P.C. Kohler" <kohl57@starpower.net>
- Re: [CR]speaking of braze-ons... "Mark Stonich" <mark@bikesmithdesign.com>
- [CR]Eroica, Cinelli, Richard Sachs and Margheritas all in 1 Night - Hangover Tomorrow
- =?iso-8859-1?Q?Re:_=5BCR=5D_M=E9ral_frame?= "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <joebz@optonline.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: Campagnolo 144bcd 39T chainring? <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]FS: Raleigh DL-1 / Tourist (rod brake) front wheel <PBridge130@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Trainers "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <joebz@optonline.net>
- Re: [CR]Campagnolo 144 bcd 39T chainring ?? <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]1st Gen. Dura Ace track hub marking? <t.kielman@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Italvega on e-bay--- the Goddess is calling
- [CR]P.C. "sam Lingo" <samclingo@hotmail.com>
- [CR]CR LIst; More Items for Sale <Cantiflex@aol.com>
- [CR]Ebay Outting "Mark Poore" <rauler83@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Raleigh Pro Mk IV? <Carb7008@cs.com>
- [CR]Baron (renaissance-cycles) heeft je dit eBay-object verzonden: Vintage BLONDIN french RACING / COURSE frame 70's (nummer7108029711) <info@renaissance-cycles.com>
- Re: [CR]Shimano date codes "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]seat post ? "Jim McCoin" <j.mccoin@comcast.net>
- re: [CR]Raleigh Pro top-of-seat-stay treatment "Jack Fortune" <jfortune@uoregon.edu>
- Re: [CR]Shimano date codes "stephen fredette" <sfredette@earthlink.net>
- re [CR]Raleigh Pro Mk IV? "Steve Kurt" <kurtsj@mtco.com>
- Re: [CR]Shimano date codes "David G. White" <whiteknight@adelphia.net>
- [CR]RE: ITALVEGA "Bob Freitas" <freitas1@pacbell.net>
- [CR]Now: Oversized seat stay caps Was: Raleigh Pro Mk IV? "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]BLACK DURA ACE "Bob Freitas" <freitas1@pacbell.net>
- [CR]RE:DATE CODES "Bob Freitas" <freitas1@pacbell.net>
- Re: [CR]Raleigh Pro Mk IV? "Mark Stonich" <mark@bikesmithdesign.com>
- Re: [CR]Raleigh Pro Mk IV? <Hughethornton@aol.com>
- [CR]Raleigh Pro top-of-seat-stay treatment <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Raleigh Pro Mk IV? "Donald Gillies" <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>
- [CR]WTB: early 1960s Normandy front hub "Bikeville" <Bikeville@erols.com>
- Re: [CR]Shimano date codes "Harris" <bianchipan@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Raleigh Pro Mk IV? "hydelake" <hydelake@bcpl.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: stronglight 63 auction - may be a scam "Hilary Stone" <hilary.stone@blueyonder.co.uk>
- [CR]Re: Campagnolo 144bcd 39T chainring? "Ben Kamenjas" <bici_pimp@mac.com>
- [CR]Re:Shimano date codes...... <t.kielman@comcast.net>
- Re: Team Raleigh seatstay caps, was:[CR]Raleigh Pro Mk IV? <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Raleigh Pro Mk IV? "tarik saleh" <tsaleh@rocketmail.com>
- [CR]VINTAGE LEGNANO CAMPAGNOLO WHEELSET W/ REGINA Item number: 7108915802 "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- [CR]VINTAGE LEGNANO CAMPAGNOLO WHEELSET W/ REGINA Item number: 7108915802 "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- [CR]Re: Shimano date codes "Edward Albert" <ealbert@bellatlantic.net>
- [CR]Re: stronglight 63 auction - may be a scam "Peter Paine" <petebike7@btopenworld.com>
- [CR]Raleigh Pro Mk IV <dgranger@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: stronglight 63 auction - may be a scam "Ben Kamenjas" <bici_pimp@mac.com>
- Re: [CR]Raleigh Pro Mk IV? <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Trainers "renaissance-cycles" <info@renaissance-cycles.com>
- Re: [CR]Suntour V-Luxe "renaissance-cycles" <info@renaissance-cycles.com>
- [CR]Shimano date codes "Dennis Young" <mail@woodworkingboy.com>
- [CR]Outfitting the '73 Hetchins Spyder: drive train Dilemnas. "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- [CR]eBay outing and is mine: Vintage NOS Italian bicycle cyclometer "Retrofan531" <Retrofan531@allegiance.tv>
- Re: [CR]VINTAGE LEGNANO CAMPAGNOLO WHEELSET W/ REGINA Item number: 7108915802 <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Outfitting the '73 Hetchins Spyder: drive train Dilemnas. "Mark Stonich" <mark@bikesmithdesign.com>
- Re: [CR]Outfitting the '73 Hetchins Spyder: drive train Dilemnas. "David G. White" <whiteknight@adelphia.net>
- [CR]Today, the Tommasini became my only bike "Retrofan531" <Retrofan531@allegiance.tv>
- Re: [CR]Outfitting the '73 Hetchins Spyder: drive train Dilemnas. "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <joebz@optonline.net>
- [CR]]Shimano date codes "Dennis Young" <mail@woodworkingboy.com>
- [CR]stuff for sale "Matteo Brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- [CR]Dura Ace Series 7400 Front derailleur Exchange "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- [CR]NOS Nishiki Time Trial Bike "Amanda Walker" <muddycentaur@bellsouth.net>
- [CR]Looking for Cornelius Lo "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete1@yahoo.com>
- Subject: Re: [CR]Outfitting the '73 Hetchins Spyder: drive train Dilemnas. <WilsonJW50@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Outfitting the '73 Hetchins Spyder: drive train Dilemnas. "David G. White" <whiteknight@adelphia.net>
- [CR]C Record brake lever wafer plates "Mike Schmidt" <mdschmidt@patmedia.net>
- [CR]wtd: 40 or 41cm, 26.0 handlebars (ttt?) "steve kim" <bob1andbob2@hotmail.com>
- [CR]Crane/Suntour combo (was: Outfitting the '73 Hetchins Spyder: drive train Dilemmas.) "Baird Webel" <bjwebel@mac.com>
- [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 22, Issue 56 "Rick Cool" <cool12@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Denver Veloswap report "Rod" <rodk3d@comcast.net>
- [CR]Velostuf Specials "john barron- velostuf" <jb@velostuf.com>
- [CR]Weights: V-GT, Cyclone long, Crane, "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- [CR]re: '73 Schwinn World Voyageur- Was: barcons "Roy H. Drinkwater" <roydrink@ptd.net>
- [CR]How much is the bike and how much is the history? "Ben Kamenjas" <bici_pimp@mac.com>
- Re: [CR]re: '73 Schwinn World Voyageur- Was: barcons <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]old 58 Bianchi outing on ebay <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- RE: [CR]old 58 Bianchi outing on ebay "dan polito" <thepandle@hotmail.com>
- [CR]jack taylor for sale on new zealand auction site... "joel metz, ifbma/sfbma" <magpie@blackbirdsf.org>
- [CR]Looking for Charles Young "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete1@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Item (s) for sale before the ebay route "Edward Albert" <ealbert@bellatlantic.net>
- Re: [CR]Denver Veloswap report "John & Linda Price" <lindaprice4@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Outfitting the '73 Hetchins Spyder: drive train Dilemnas. "Mark Stonich" <mark@bikesmithdesign.com>
- [CR]Denver Veloswap report - Alenax question. "dan kasha" <dankasha@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? <RDF1249@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? "Ken Wehrenberg" <wnwires@htc.net>
- [CR]Richard Sachs Updated Gallery Page "Kirk Pacenti" <kirk@bikelugs.com>
- [CR]Richard Sachs Updated Gallery Page "Kirk Pacenti" <kirk@bikelugs.com>
- [CR]Wanted: Picchio decals or flat art "Rick and Freddi Robbins" <rfrobb@wcoil.com>
- Re: [CR]Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]Re: (CR): Old 58 Bianchi outing on eBay(Josh Berger) <Cino1947@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? "Peter Jon White" <lists@peterwhitecycles.com>
- [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Alenax <CYCLESTORE@aol.com>
- [CR]Re: Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? "Steve Maas" <stevem@nonlintec.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Hetchins Build / Effective wrap diameter of some shifters "r cielec" <teaat4p@yahoo.com>
- [CR]80's Nishiki Track bike photo link "Amanda Walker" <muddycentaur@bellsouth.net>
- [CR]WAS Re: Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? Now something bigger maybe "R Bulis" <RichardBulis@msn.com>
- Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue "r cielec" <teaat4p@yahoo.com>
- [CR]60's Olmo on e-bay happy ending "Jay Sexton" <jvs@sonic.net>
- RE: [CR]re: '73 Schwinn World Voyageur- Was: barcons "J Hawrylak" <john.hawrylak@att.net>
- [CR]Effective wrap diameter of some shifters "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- Re: [CR] Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- [CR]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue "Ken Wehrenberg" <wnwires@htc.net>
- [CR]Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]Raleigh seatstay treatments "Pete Geurds" <raleighpro@dejazzd.com>
- Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <joebz@optonline.net>
- Re: [CR]Raleigh seatstay treatments <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Hetchins Build / Effective wrap diameter of some shifters "Thomas R. Adams, Jr." <kctommy@msn.com>
- Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- [CR]Mike Kone's Denver Veloswap thoughts <hersefan@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 22, Issue 59 <"fdonkin@juno.com">
- Re: [CR]Raleigh seatstay treatments "Pete Geurds" <raleighpro@dejazzd.com>
- [CR]crane/suntour combo "MARK" <mhoffman0@snet.net>
- Re: [CR]crane/suntour combo "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]More about Raleigh seatstay treatments <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]Re: A scammer on eBay "alan" <worthy2@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: A scammer on eBay "garry nold" <lksbks@ix.netcom.com>
- Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue "Donald Gillies" <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>
- [CR]Hilary's 531 cycling top outing "Paul & Maureen Williams" <castell5@sympatico.ca>
- Re: [CR]WAS Re: Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? Now something bigger maybe "Kurt Sperry" <haxixe@gmail.com>
- Re: [CR]crane/suntour combo "Fred Rafael Rednor" <fred_rednor@yahoo.com>
- RE: [CR]80's Nishiki Track bike photo link <srd@gocalnet.com>
- [CR]Fwd: Teledyne Titan 60cm fs "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- [CR]Masi query <MMEison@aol.com>
- [CR]crane/suntour combo - front derailleur "Donald Gillies" <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>
- Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]NOS Nishiki Time Trial Bike "John Everett" <jeverett3@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue "dave martinez" <dmart84815@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]80's Nishiki Track bike photo link "John Everett" <jeverett3@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: A scammer on eBay "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]ebay outing: Masi Special <chasds@mindspring.com>
- [CR]anyone know of bill krause bikes? <b.b.simon@att.net>
- Re: [CR]Classic Rendezvous e-mail list announcement "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue "sam Lingo" <samclingo@hotmail.com>
- [CR]crane/suntour combo - front derailleur <dgranger@comcast.net>
- [CR]Hennie Kuiper website <"kohl57@starpower.net">
- [CR] Ebay Outing "Hilary Stone" <hilary.stone@blueyonder.co.uk>
- Re: [CR]Top mount shifters. "r cielec" <teaat4p@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Classic Rendezvous e-mail list announcement "Mark Poore" <rauler83@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Masi query <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- [CR]Frejus 59cm ebay "Mark Poore" <rauler83@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Classic Rendezvous e-mail list announcement <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]WTT: 1966 Schwinn P-10 Deluxe Paramount VGC/Photos "Eric in SF" <ericinsf@excite.com>
- Re: [CR]WTT: 1966 Schwinn P-10 Deluxe Paramount VGC/Photos
- [CR]looking for tanguy bicycle "stephen fredette" <sfredette@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Ebay Scammers, a must read "Mark Poore" <rauler83@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Re: Masi Special on Ebay <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
- [CR]Top mount shifters. <RDF1249@aol.com>
- [CR]Re: Dale for Commander-in-Chief <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: Dale for Commander-in-Chief "Wspokes" <wspokes@penn.com>
- Re: [CR]Top mount shifters. <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]1000 mark surpassed "Jay Sexton" <jvs@sonic.net>
- [CR]Raleigh Super Course <saint09@bellsouth.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: Dale for Commander-in-Chief "Mike Schmidt" <mdschmidt@patmedia.net>
- Re: [CR]Classic Rendezvous e-mail list announcement <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]Masi GC Unwrapping "john barron- velostuf" <jb@velostuf.com>
- Re: [CR]Masi GC Unwrapping "tarik saleh" <tsaleh@rocketmail.com>
- re: front derail. for TA cogs, was [CR]crane/suntour combo, "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- [CR]Outing:" as new dave moulton 52cm C-T for sale $1100." "Angel Garcia" <veronaman@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue "Hilary Stone" <hilary.stone@blueyonder.co.uk>
- RE: [CR]Classic Rendezvous e-mail list announcement <srd@gocalnet.com>
- [CR]Does anyone actually ride a 50th Anniversary Schwinn Paramount? "Retrofan531" <Retrofan531@allegiance.tv>
- Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue "Hilary Stone" <hilary.stone@blueyonder.co.uk>
- [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 22, Issue 63 "ken martin" <flyte3640@cogeco.ca>
- [CR]Top mount shifters. <velorosso@charter.net>
- Re: [CR]Does anyone actually ride a 50th Anniversary Schwinn Paramount? "John Pergolizzi" <jtperry1@verizon.net>
- Re: [CR]Masi GC Unwrapping "Richard M Sachs" <richardsachs@juno.com>
- Re: [CR]Classic Rendezvous e-mail list announcement "greg arnold" <greg@nofatcomm.com>
- [CR]Here's a better picture of top mount shifters. <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Here's a better picture of top mount shifters. "Richard M Sachs" <richardsachs@juno.com>
- Re: [CR]Classic Rendezvous e-mail list announcement <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Top mount shifters. <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Top mount shifters. <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Tesch Mountain Bicycle "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR] FS: NOS cottered axle for track bike / single chainwheel use (TDC brand) "Thomas E Ward" <tom.ward@juno.com>
- [CR]Bike Count Survey <PaulieFlt@aol.com>
- [CR]Cinelli Rennradsattel "Ben Kamenjas" <bici_pimp@mac.com>
- [CR]Tesch Mountain Bicycle "Stratton Hammon" <strattonh@insightbb.com>
- Re: [CR]Raleigh Super Course <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Does anyone actually ride a 50th Anniversary Schwinn Paramount? "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]Classic Rendezvous e-mail list announcement "Mike Schmidt" <mdschmidt@patmedia.net>
- Re: [CR]Does anyone actually ride a 50th Anniversary Schwinn Paramount? "Mark Stonich" <mark@bikesmithdesign.com>
- Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue "David Feldman" <feldmanbike@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]WAS Re: Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? Now something bigger maybe "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- Re: front derail. for TA cogs, was [CR]crane/suntour combo, "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- [CR]WAS Re: Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? Now something bigger "Fred Rafael Rednor" <fred_rednor@yahoo.com>
- Subject: Re: [CR]Top mount shifters <WilsonJW50@aol.com>
- [CR]Re: new PEUGEOT cycles book "dan kasha" <dankasha@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Raleigh Super Course "Donald Gillies" <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>
- Re: [CR]Re: new PEUGEOT cycles book "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]WTB: Ugly Campagnolo "Eric Elman" <tr4play@cox.net>
- Re: [CR]Masi GC Unwrapping <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- [CR]Campagnolo Derailleurs T-shirt "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]parts for sale <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- [CR]veloswap chicago and critical mass ride this friday? "marc garcia" <marcgarcia80@ameritech.net>
- [CR]the bikes we buy for the darndest reasons "marc garcia" <marcgarcia80@ameritech.net>
- Re: [CR]Does anyone actually ride a 50th Anniversary SchwinnParamount? <DCan395627@aol.com>
- [CR]Dutch Ebay dealers "David Patrick" <patrick-ajdb@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: new PEUGEOT cycles book "Fred Rafael Rednor" <fred_rednor@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]the bikes we buy for the darndest reasons "Bruce Gordon" <bgcycles@svn.net>
- Re: [CR]WAS Re: Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? Now something bigger maybe <kanford@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]the bikes we buy for the darndest reasons "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]eBay outing - '61 OLMO SPECIAL "Duane Kennard" <d.kennard@adelphia.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: new PEUGEOT cycles book "John Everett" <jeverett3@earthlink.net>
- [CR]San Marco saddle timeline "Raymond Dobbins" <raydobbins2003@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Dutch Ebay dealers "David Patrick" <patrick-ajdb@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]period-correct saddles from gnashbar "Anderson, Robert" <randerson2@grey.com>
- [CR]Outing:"as new dave moulton 52cm C-T for sale $1100." "Angel Garcia" <veronaman@comcast.net>
- [CR]Re: new PEUGEOT cycles book "Ken Wehrenberg" <wnwires@htc.net>
- Re: [CR]the bikes we buy for the darndest reasons "stephen fredette" <sfredette@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Raleigh Super Course <saint09@bellsouth.net>
- Re: [CR]the bikes we buy for the darndest reasons "tmas7" <tmas7@comcast.net>
- [CR]Bicycle history before it is gone "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- [CR]old Schwinn cycling shoes on le-bay "Jay Sexton" <jvs@sonic.net>
- [CR]WTB: Campagnolo Skewer shafts for 130 spaced wheels. "Ed Braley" <edbraley@maine.rr.com>
- [CR]Re: Campagnolo wide clamp vs. narrow clamp date... "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]new PEUGEOT cycles book "Luss" <luss.hilger@pt.lu>
- Re: [CR]CR list 1000 members "Warren & Elizabeth" <warbetty@sympatico.ca>
- Re: [CR]LooK: Ideale saddle on eBay "Mark Poore" <rauler83@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Armstrong Cycles "Dan Kehew" <dan.kehew@gmail.com>
- [CR]Re: Real men riding Brooks "S" series saddles? "Roy H. Drinkwater" <roydrink@ptd.net>
- Re: [CR] Campagnolo SR 39T chainring? <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- [CR]Very Late VR4 Report <PaulieFlt@aol.com>
- [CR]Overstock: used Campy Record FD... "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- [CR]Ebay outing <RDF1249@aol.com>
- [CR]Armstrong Cycles "Thomas E Ward" <tom.ward@juno.com>
- Re: [CR]the bikes we buy for the darndest reasons "rocketman531" <rocketman531@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Why we shouldn't give Dale a big head <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Why we shouldn't give Dale a big head <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- [CR]LooK: Ideale saddle on eBay <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]Why we shouldn't give Dale a big head "brucerobbins" <brucerobbins@supanet.com>
- [CR]Real men riding Brooks "S" series saddles? <t.kielman@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: A scammer on eBay "renaissance-cycles" <info@renaissance-cycles.com>
- [CR]CR list 1000 members "Dennis Young" <mail@woodworkingboy.com>
- [CR]eBay outing: whatizzit? "alan" <worthy2@earthlink.net>
- [CR]stuff listed "Matteo Brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- [CR]peugeot book "Matteo Brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- Re: [CR]eBay outing: whatizzit? "Derek Willburn" <morganx9@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Dutch Ebay dealers "renaissance-cycles" <info@renaissance-cycles.com>
- Re: [CR]Bicycle history before it is gone <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- [CR]Ebay Scammer Update "Mark Poore" <rauler83@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Re: Oscar Egg <StuartMX4@aol.com>
- [CR]re Campagnolo 26.4mm seatpost "Wayne Davidson" <wayne.collect@xtra.co.nz>
- [CR]Paging Brian Baylis <FedMaritime@aol.com>
- [CR]Negotiating as a Hobby <LouDeeter@aol.com>
- [CR]The Famous James "brucerobbins" <brucerobbins@supanet.com>
- [CR]New Peugeot Book "Kevin MacAfee" <kmacafee@hotmail.com>
- Re: [CR]eBay outing: whatizzit? "David Feldman" <feldmanbike@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Preliminary Bike Count Report <PaulieFlt@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]LooK: Ideale saddle on eBay "renaissance-cycles" <info@renaissance-cycles.com>
- Re: [CR]Why we shouldn't give Dale a big head "renaissance-cycles" <info@renaissance-cycles.com>
- [CR]Mercier fork & chrome question <Boy651@aol.com>
- Re: [CR] the bikes we buy for the darndest reasons <TADCPDAJD@aol.com>
- [CR]Brooks New Swallow stash "Toni Theilmeier" <Toni.Theilmeier@t-online.de>
- [CR]Alex Singer visit "Neill Currie" <neill1234@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Ebay: Phil Wood CHP pedals "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- Re: [CR]LooK: Ideale saddle on eBay "Morgan Fletcher" <morgan@hahaha.org>
- Re: [CR]Why we shouldn't give Dale a big head <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Negotiating as a Hobby <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Armstrong Cycles "Martin Hanczyc" <hanczyc@molbio.mgh.harvard.edu>
- [CR]track lockring for sale "Matteo Brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- Re: [CR]Ebay Scammer Update "renaissance-cycles" <info@renaissance-cycles.com>
- Re: [CR]the bikes we buy for the darndest reasons "Donald Gillies" <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>
- [CR]Seatpost needed <saint09@bellsouth.net>
- [CR]For those that missed it....The scam buster's page "Mark Poore" <rauler83@yahoo.com>
- [CR]WTB: Campag calipers; darned things "Toni Theilmeier" <Toni.Theilmeier@t-online.de>
- [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions "Eric Elman" <tr4play@cox.net>
- Re: [CR]WTB: Campag calipers; darned things "renaissance-cycles" <info@renaissance-cycles.com>
- Re: [CR]the bikes we buy for the darndest reasons "renaissance-cycles" <info@renaissance-cycles.com>
- Re: [CR] the bikes we buy for the darndest reasons "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- [CR]campagnolo pedals forsale "Matteo Brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- Re: [CR]eBay outing - '61 OLMO SPECIAL "kim klakow" <Akimbo71@gmx.net>
- [CR]1938 Curly Hitchins on eBay "Gary Chottiner" <gsc2@cwru.edu>
- Re: [CR]Major Taylor headbadge?
- Re: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- [CR]mix grab bag for sale "Matteo Brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- [CR]Panto fiesta "Matteo Brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- [CR]FS: Hercules, Razesa, Dawes, Raleigh final patches "Wspokes" <wspokes@penn.com>
- [CR]Major Taylor headbadge? "sam Lingo" <samclingo@hotmail.com>
- [CR]re Campagnolo SR RD parts/rebuild list "Wayne Davidson" <wayne.collect@xtra.co.nz>
- [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Nogatiating as a Hobby <CYCLESTORE@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Rossin question "Duane Kennard" <d.kennard@adelphia.net>
- Re: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions <"kohl57@starpower.net">
- Re: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions "Paul & Maureen Williams" <castell5@sympatico.ca>
- Re: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- [CR]1984[?] Raleigh 753 "Olsson, Robert" <ROlsson@randomhouse.com>
- [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 22, Issue 72 <EdVintage63@aol.com>
- [CR]RE: Ilkeston vs. Worksop Raleighs <EdVintage63@aol.com>
- [CR]Yet another Raleigh Team ???? "rocketman531" <rocketman531@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Major Taylor headbadge <wheelman@nac.net>
- Re: [CR]Major Taylor headbadge <SM2501@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions "Fred Rafael Rednor" <fred_rednor@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions "Stephen Barner" <steve@sburl.com>
- Re: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions "Fred Rafael Rednor" <fred_rednor@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Who made Raleigh Team bikes "Fred Rafael Rednor" <fred_rednor@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Fiamme Auction - Tubulars
- Re: [CR]Update 10-28-04 Bike Count List "Kurt Sperry" <haxixe@gmail.com>
- Re: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions <Hughethornton@aol.com>
- [CR]Update 10-28-04 Bike Count List <PaulieFlt@aol.com>
- [CR]Need info on Schwinn Paramount 50th anniversary geometry please "Retrofan531" <Retrofan531@allegiance.tv>
- Re: [CR]Update 10-28-04 Bike Count List "David G. White" <whiteknight@adelphia.net>
- [CR]Rossin question "Toni Theilmeier" <Toni.Theilmeier@t-online.de>
- Re: [CR]Rossin question "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Update 10-28-04 Bike Count List <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]Who made Raleigh Team bikes <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]The hunger is upon me...is it the recent eclipse? The Red Sox as World Champions? Mania? Craving for great American bikes. "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Who made Raleigh Team bikes <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Update 10-28-04 Bike Count List "Jeff Slotkin" <jeffslotkin@comcast.net>
- [CR]Oscar Egg "Mark Stevens" <mountgerald@btopenworld.com>
- RE: [CR]1984[?] Raleigh 753 "Steve Birmingham" <sbirmingham@mindspring.com>
- Re: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- Re: [CR]Update 10-28-04 Bike Count List <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Rossin question <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- Re: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions <gpvb1@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]Update 10-28-04 Bike Count List "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]NEW ROBIN MATHER PICS UP! "Kirk Pacenti" <kirk@bikelugs.com>
- Re: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions "Eric Elman" <tr4play@cox.net>
- Re: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions "Eric Elman" <tr4play@cox.net>
- [CR]pre-Bay offers "Brian Plaugher" <brian.plaugher@gmail.com>
- Re: [CR]pre-Bay offers "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- RE: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions "Bingham, Wayne R." <WBINGHAM@imf.org>
- [CR]A fun web site of neat road bikes pictures to view "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- [CR]Trusty Vicount FREE 21" "Koepke, Mark" <mkoepke@uwsp.edu>
- Re: [CR]pre-Bay offers "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- RE: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions <"kohl57@starpower.net">
- [CR]Re: Ilkeston/Raleigh Team Questions <EdVintage63@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]pre-Bay offers "Donald Gillies" <gillies@cs.ubc.ca>
- [CR]Re: Update 10-28-04 Bike Count List <wheelman@nac.net>
- Re: [CR]Update 10-28-04 Bike Count List <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions "Paul Lee" <Paul.Lee@Aeroflex.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: Update 10-28-04 Bike Count List <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- [CR]Ebay outing for all the Masi-issimos! "greg arnold" <greg@nofatcomm.com>
- [CR]Question about bikes damaged in shipment "Fred Rafael Rednor" <fred_rednor@yahoo.com>
- [CR]RE: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 22, Issue 74 "Olsson, Robert" <ROlsson@randomhouse.com>
- [CR] WAS Ebay outing for all the Masi-issimos!, Now Ebay Shipping Cost Trend <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]NEW ROBIN MATHER PICS UP! "Kirk Pacenti" <kirk@bikelugs.com>
- [CR] Re: Truss Frames "Michael Butler" <laquelda@yahoo.com>
- [CR]pirate applications for prestige parts "Mark Stonich" <mark@bikesmithdesign.com>
- Re: [CR]speaking of braze-ons... "Mark Stonich" <mark@bikesmithdesign.com>
- [CR]for sale <TonyFNitro@aol.com>
- RE: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions <"richardsachs@juno.com">
- Re: [CR]Question about bikes damaged in shipment "Retrofan531" <Retrofan531@allegiance.tv>
- [CR]Now EBay Shipping Cost Trend "Douglas Morrell" <dmorrell@nomise.com>
- Re: [CR]pre-Bay offers "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]FS: Simplex Super LJ front der. and Cool Gear Ti rail saddle "Doug Van Cleve" <dvancleve@cox.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: Update 10-28-04 Bike Count List <PaulieFlt@aol.com>
- [CR]Gone: Trusty Viscount FREE 21" "Koepke, Mark" <mkoepke@uwsp.edu>
- RE: [CR]Ilkeston vs Worksop Raleigh Team Pro Questions "Feeken, Dirk" <dirk.feeken@sap.com>
- [CR]NOS Universal 68 brake set complete BOX Italy Item number: 3666481837 "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- [CR]Subject: Bike Count aka Spousal Disinformation Poll "Raymond Dobbins" <raydobbins2003@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]NOS Universal 68 brake set complete BOX Italy Item number:3666481837 "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]pirate applications for prestige FD half-clamps... "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- Re: [CR]Subject: Bike Count aka Spousal Disinformation Poll <JDALLDORF@san.rr.com>
- [CR]Fiamme Red & Yellow Oval Labels
- [CR] =?iso-8859-1?q?Rossin_question=2C_Chuck=B4s_and_all_the_others=B4_answers?= "Toni Theilmeier" <Toni.Theilmeier@t-online.de>
- [CR]NOS Universal 68 brake set complete BOX Italy Item number: 3666481837 <PBridge130@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]NOS Universal 68 brake set complete BOX Italy Item number: 3666481837 <MercianPro@aol.com>
- [CR](Mostly) French parts sought <olyoop@comcast.net>
- [CR]for sale <TonyFNitro@aol.com>
- [CR]Anybody use DHL shipping yet? <MercianPro@aol.com>
- [CR]Re: Thank you! "BobHoveyGa" <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
- [CR]Another sealed box of those Universal 68 brakes...for $249! "Tom Sanders" <tsan7759142@comcast.net>
- [CR]Flying Scot Ventoux on ebay and Wraparound Seatstay Caps <LouDeeter@aol.com>
- [CR]bike count "Alan" <alanw@aracnet.com>
- Re: [CR]Anybody use DHL shipping yet? "David Patrick" <patrick-ajdb@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]Simplex Derailleur Comments/was pre-Bay offers "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- Re: [CR]Anybody use DHL shipping yet? "David Patrick" <patrick-ajdb@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]Simplex Derailleur Comments/was pre-Bay offers "Eric Elman" <tr4play@cox.net>
- [CR]Subject: Bike Count aka Spousal Disinformation Poll "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- Re: [CR]Anybody use DHL shipping yet? "Michael D. Schmidt" <mdschmidt@patmedia.net>
- [CR]FS: Lyotard Berthet pedals "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- [CR] Cinelli Original Road Bicycle Clipless Pedals NEW Item number: 7110758433 "Charles Nighbor" <cnighbor@pacbell.net>
- [CR]Adler "Luis Danese" <oldbicycle53@yahoo.com.ar>
- [CR]Re: eBay shipping charges "Retrofan531" <Retrofan531@allegiance.tv>
- [CR]Re: eBay shipping trend "Mary Kaminski" <corgwyn@erols.com>
- [CR]re: FS: Lyotard Berthet "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- [CR]re: bike count "C. Andrews" <chasds@mindspring.com>
- [CR]Packing <Philcycles@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Subject: Bike Count aka Spousal Disinformation Poll "kim klakow" <Akimbo71@gmx.net>
- Re: [CR]NOS Universal 68 brake set complete BOX Italy Item number:3666481837 "kim klakow" <Akimbo71@gmx.net>
- Re: [CR]Subject: Bike Count aka Spousal Disinformation Poll "Stephen Barner" <steve@sburl.com>
- Re: [CR]NOS Universal 68 brake set complete BOX Italy Item number: 3666481837 "Dave Van Hook" <dvanhook@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Re: eBay shipping trend <wheelman@nac.net>
- [CR]Pedal value "Mark Wolfe" <markw@wolfenet.org>
- [CR]Re: Hi "BobHoveyGa" <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
- [CR]Cinelli pedals... "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- Re: [CR]NOS Universal 68 brake set complete BOX Italy Item number: 3666481837 <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Fiamme Red & Yellow Oval Labels <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]for sale <TonyFNitro@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: eBay shipping trend <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Whatever happens to famous bikes --- or Greg LeMond's (OT)Bottechia "Brett Horton" <bretthorton@thehortoncollection.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: eBay shipping charges <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Whatever happens to famous bikes --- or Greg LeMond's (OT)Bottechia "David Patrick" <patrick-ajdb@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]Re: eBay shipping trend "krawls" <krawls100@gmail.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: eBay shipping trend <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR][Fwd: Re: eBay shipping charges] "Mary Kaminski" <corgwyn@erols.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: eBay shipping trend "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- Re: [CR]Whatever happens to famous bikes --- or Greg LeMond's (OT)Bottechia "Angel Garcia" <veronaman@comcast.net>
- [CR]Need help from early Paramount experts "Otis" <otis@otisrecords.com>
- Re: [CR]Pedal value "Steve Maas" <stevem@nonlintec.com>
- Re: [CR]Whatever happens to famous bikes --- or Greg LeMond's (OT)Bottechia "Brett Horton" <bretthorton@thehortoncollection.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, 68's "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- Re: [CR]Flying Scot Ventoux on ebay and Wraparound Seatstay Caps "Bob Reid" <robertrreid@tiscali.co.uk>
- Re: [CR]Re: eBay shipping trend "Mary Kaminski" <corgwyn@erols.com>
- Re: [CR]re: famous bikes "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Question on Tube I.D.stamp "sam Lingo" <samclingo@hotmail.com>
- [CR]Interesting $15K Basso(?) Huffy(?) on Ebay. <srd@gocalnet.com>
- [CR]Re:"Thank you" and "Hi" <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]Re: eBay shipping trend <Bikerdaver@aol.com>
- [CR]WTT: short reach Universal centerpull for longer reach "Doug Van Cleve" <dvancleve@cox.net>
- [CR]Re: Classicrendezvous Digest, 68's <CYCLESTORE@aol.com>
- [CR]Huret Jubilee RD <richwalker@fastmail.fm>
- [CR]RE: Whatever happens to famous bikes --- or Greg LeMond's (OT) (Duncan Granger) "Duncan Granger" <dgranger@comcast.net>
- [CR]shipping cost "Matteo Brandi" <bees.bfg@tin.it>
- [CR]Whatever happens to famous bikes --- or Greg LeMond's (OT) Bottechia "Amir Avitzur" <avitzur@013.net>
- [CR]Stuff For Sale <raleypc@netscape.net>
- [CR]re: famous bikes "Roy H. Drinkwater" <roydrink@ptd.net>
- [CR]Identify Gipiemme Hubs ? "r cielec" <teaat4p@yahoo.com>
- RE: [CR]Interesting $15K Basso(?) Huffy(?) on Ebay. <srd@gocalnet.com>
- [CR]Re: Thanks :) "BobHoveyGa" <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]WTT: short reach Universal centerpull for longer reach
- [CR]Chicago Velo Swap Report "Tom Hayes" <hayesbikes@nls.net>
- [CR]Velo Swap-Chicago & swap in Madison, WI (Cronometro Swap) "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete1@yahoo.com>
- Re: [CR]Cinelli pedals... "Jerome & Elizabeth Moos" <jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]packing methods "Dennis Young" <mail@woodworkingboy.com>
- [CR]list members at sf veloswap? "joel metz, ifbma/sfbma" <magpie@blackbirdsf.org>
- [CR]Bluemels, Christophe and Lapize for sale "rhandsfield" <rhandsfield@cox.net>
- Re: [CR]Re: eBay shipping trend "Steven Willis" <smwillis@verizon.net>
- [CR]Chicago Velo and Madison Swap "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete1@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Whatever happens to famous bikes revised "Ted E. Baer" <wickedsky@sbcglobal.net>
- [CR]Whatever happens to famous bikes - one more variant "Toni Theilmeier" <Toni.Theilmeier@t-online.de>
- [CR]Hetchins Logo Patches and embroidered patch. "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete1@yahoo.com>
- [CR]Rigida rim question <WesOishi@aol.com>
- [CR]chicago veloswap report "marc garcia" <marcgarcia80@ameritech.net>
- [CR]Chicago Swap Meet Report "Tom Hayes" <hayesbikes@nls.net>
- [CR]Bluemels, Christope and Lapize for sale "rhandsfield" <rhandsfield@cox.net>
- [CR]Orange County Bike shops? "C. Andrews" <chasds@mindspring.com>
- [CR]Campagnolo Headset Locking Nut
- [CR]Bluemels TOUR DE FRANCE Fenders "rhandsfield" <rhandsfield@cox.net>
- [CR]Les Parker cycle on Ebay last month "Peter Naiman" <hetchinspete1@yahoo.com>
- re: [CR]WTT: short reach Universal centerpull for longer reach "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- RE: [CR]chicago veloswap report "nick zatezalo" <nickzz@mindspring.com>
- [CR]ebay 55cm Ron Cooper Frameset "Eric Elman" <tr4play@cox.net>
- Re: [CR]Update 10-28-04 Bike Count List <"brianbaylis@juno.com">
- [CR]RE: French mystery frame on ebay..... <LeMansGTMAN@aol.com>
- [CR]Weigle on ebay 5 min. "Mark Poore" <rauler83@yahoo.com>
- [CR]TS Isaac "John Thompson" <JohnThompson@new.rr.com>
- [CR]FS: Mavic rear hub, D/A 7-speed, 126 mm. "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
- [CR]Ebay 53cm Mirella 45 min. "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <joebz@optonline.net>
- [CR]French mystery frame on ebay.............. <t.kielman@comcast.net>
- Re: [CR]chicago veloswap report <rodk3d@comcast.net>
- [CR]Chicago Veloswap "john barron- velostuf" <jb@velostuf.com>
- Re: [CR]Discovered! 39T 144 BCD chainring! "Steve Maas" <stevem@nonlintec.com>
- [CR]FS: Campagnolo goodies, Caution: some OT "garry nold" <lksbks@ix.netcom.com>
- Re: [CR]Results of Masi auction... "Chuck Schmidt" <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net>
- [CR]Results of Masi auction... "David Bilenkey" <dbilenkey@sympatico.ca>
- [CR]Discovered! 39T 144 BCD chainring! <OROBOYZ@aol.com>
- Re: [CR]TS Isaac "Richard M Sachs" <richardsachs@juno.com>