To further beat this subject to death, a question about my bike....
My Team Pro. was never drilled for a head badge. The head tube had no paint, looked like it never had paint. It had a paper heron clear taped in place of the head badge. The NR rear der. is date stamped 1975. The serial no. is 4471 (no prefix letters) and is stamped on the left side of the seat lug. The bottom bracket is drilled with 9 round concentric holes,and is stamped "60" for the frame size. The seat lug and both head lugs are drilled with round holes top and bottom, and the fork is gusseted with 4 holes in each gusset. It has fast back seat stays. Red main triangle; black stays and fork with yellow and white graphics. It has a Reynolds 531 decal. So tell me please....what do I have? Is it a true team bike, or a 'team bike' made for whomever had the cash? And the big question...why no head badge?
Here is a related question...Who was the USA Olympic cycling coach from the late 70's or early 80's? I think he died about 15 years ago. He lived a few blocks from me, and our sons were friends. His son used to come over to visit, and he always rode a Raleigh team bike or some other beautiful cast-off training bike, just dropping them in our front yard. When I suggested locking them up, my son mentioned that his garage was full of bikes.....there was always another one to ride. I never did get to see that garage. Even though I have had my bike for many years, it just now occurred to me that there might be a connection between my Team Pro and the coach's estate.....
Pat Moffat
Tempe, AZ 55F. rain all day