[CR]Dutch Ebay dealers

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2007)

Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 14:43:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Patrick" <patrick-ajdb@sbcglobal.net>
To: renaissance-cycles <info@renaissance-cycles.com>, alan <worthy2@earthlink.net>, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
In-Reply-To: <015001c4bba2$ed0aa390$9600000a@user8750ybcqcn>
Subject: [CR]Dutch Ebay dealers

For the record, I have dealt extensively with the Dutch Ebay dealer going by the i.d. of "fietsenfrans" and I've had nothing but 100% positive transactions. In fact, he has gone out of his way to help me on at least three occassions, so I highly recommend him to anyone on the CR list.

And I have also had very good luck with that Banana Brain guy also, but I think he might very well be missing a few cards out of his deck (sorry Baron, I couldn't resist).

Dave Patrick Chelsea, Michigan

renaissance-cycles <info@renaissance-cycles.com> wrote: Yes!>>>>>>>....Yes!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yes!.................Look back to the archives. I know of this guy but have yet to meet him............And I wish not too. I must say..............A major part of the ebay Dutch dealers are ''BAD NEW!'' As like Charles A. and a few other has already learned...............I've spent many and many hours replying to emails from others concerning these dealers, do you know him? Why do you sell to him if he's a bad dealer? I've told all of these people that I have never dealt with him nor do know him. I'f and when I do meet him, I just maight take him out for all of the fustration that he has caused me. I know where he shops on Fridays but I will stay away....................Only because I know what I would do to this guy, and I wouldn't be playing ''PATTY CAKE!''..............The best place for this guy is a rim box.

The best I can say...Don't deal with these Dutch dealers...THE...REAL...LIFE...BAD...NEWS...BEARS!

Baron C...................And the gang!!
Renaissance cycles,
Eindhoven Holland

----- Original Message -----
From: alan
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 8:31 PM
Subject: [CR]Re: A scammer on eBay

> Any CR members have any dealings with a character on eBay calling
> himself "collabol", AKA "Peter Schotting", and "my Belgian garage"? I
> used the buy-it-now option to purchase 2 Campy hub shells BACK IN JUNE
> and have gone through the whole process including using Square Trade
> conflict resolution, but NO satisfaction! He took my money
> (unfortunately a Postal MO) and all I got was one lousy email reply.
> This was after sending him 4 or 5 emails over a 3 month period met only
> with silence, and finally he responded with vague explanations/excuses
> only when Square Trade got involved. Now 4 months later I see he's
> garnered a cluster of negative feedback and is no longer a "registered
> user", does that mean he's been drummed out of the eBay community? Any
> chance anyone in the CR group brushed up against this unsavory cheat,
> and can anyone with more eBay experience lend us a tip as to how to
> avoid meeting up with him in some other guise? Thanks for letting me
> vent, his sort just befouls our hobby. (Has the Baron ever heard of him?
> His mailing address was Kempenbos, Westelbeersdijk 6-70, Diessen, OT,
> 5087 TK in the Netherlands)
> Thanks again all,
> Alan Goldsworthy
> San Francisco, CA