Our LBS has been sent five New Swallows mistakenly, #658 through 662, so before returning them we offer them to the list at German RRP (\u20ac279) (plus postage which isn´t bad as they can be sent in letters).
You can contact Reinhard Wilker direct (0049-5406-1012, business hrs.), or, if your German isn´t up to the task, you can send me a mail.
Well, looks as if I was right in thinking they had made too many at 999 saddles.
Toni Theilmeier, Belm, Germany.
P.S.: In the case of a sudden disruption of an e-mail conversation with me, please assume that I have given up the medium and contact me in a more traditional way. I am in the trial phase of a last ditch system after some others could not stand my constant abusing them.