I think the other suitable application for Death Pedals is the velodrome. You can't really pull your foot out of the pedal on a fixed gear at speed anyway without risking bashing your leg with the still-spinning crank and pedal. In most crashes on the track, the feet don't release, or do so only after you hit the banking. So there is no real disadvantage to using the M-71's there. Plus the worst that usually happens on the velodrome is a couple of other bike go over you. Cetainly preferable to a Mack truck when riding on the road.
Jerry Moos Houston, TX, home of the Alkek Velodrome
HM & SS Sachs <sachs@erols.com> wrote: Charles Nighbor wrote:
Cinelli Original Road Bicycle Clipless Pedals NEW Item number: = 7110758433=20
Buy it now under $30 +++++++++++++++++++++++
These are really interesting wall decorations, but I'm done with riding them on the road. It was a few weeks ago, on Ken Sanford's lovely vintage ride, when I went all out: Cinelli SC, Cinelli saddle, bars, stem, BiValent wheels, and pedals. The good news is that the cleats pretty much came out of the shoes while I was riding. Very old Adidas shoes, with too many holes driven into too little remaining undamaged sole.
The action required to release these is quite dissimilar to those with modern cleats, and it isn't just the release lever you have to push in to release the keeper that holds cleat and pedal together. If you are used to modern clipless, I'd not suggest riding Cinellis on the road. Last go-around on this, Steven Maasland said he had a perfectly safe application for them: tricycle. Not sure he is that convinced any longer, after trying to restart on a steep hill. But, Steve's a big boy and a fine fellow, and will take care of himself.
harvey "just say no to the M-71 widowmakers" sachs. mcLean va