The Delrin Simplexes are confusing because the RD's were all marked Prestige. In fact there were two different RD's which looked very similar but performed completely differently. The one actually called Prestige in the catalogs came on the UO-8 and other low end French bikes. The jockey cage was a thin cheap stamped one like a Campy Valentino or a later Campy Nuovo Grand Sport (not to be confused with the higher quality original Grand Sport). That and the cheap all-plastic Prestige shift levers made the shifting incredibly sloppy and imprecise, way too much flex in the components.
The good Delrin Simplex, which came on the PX-10, is called Criterium in the catalogs, although that name never appeared on the RD itself. It has a proper thicker forged alloy jockey cage like a Campy NR or a modern high quality RD. It also usually had metal reinforcement of the plastic parallelogram plates, although I can't rule out that the Prestige might have had these as well. The Criterium shift levers were solid alloy like Campy NR, though usually with plastic covers like the Campy rubber ones but harder and thinner. The solid forged jockey cage and shift levers eliminated the excessive flex, and the Criterium shifted spledidly, in fact far better than Campy NR, thanks to the Simplex spring-loaded upper pivot which Campy lacked. The Campy did last longer, though.
In the late 60's/ early 70's the Simplex Delrin FD's were pushrod type. I think both Prestige and Criterium were shown in the catalogs, but I could never find any difference between the two. These shifted pretty well if set up properly and if the chainring difference wasn't too large. About the mddle 70's, Simplex introduced parallelogram Delrin FD's. These shifted better, especially for large chainring differences. It may have been that these were sold as Criterium, while the old pushrod design continued to be sold as Prestige. By this time the superb all-alloy Simplex SLJ derailleur and retrofriction shifters were appearing, but could never quite repair the damage done to Simplex's image by the cheaper Prsetige version of the Delrin derailleurs and shifters.
Jerry Moos Houston, TX
Brian Plaugher <> wrote: Before heading off to ebay, the CR exclusive offers, and a request for info.
1)Used Nervar 170 right crank arm, 128 BCD rings in 40 and 52. Spindle/threads guaranteed to be good, meaning I never used it but will give you your money back if it proves to be messed up. $50 shipped.
2) Continuing our tour on the more rare bolt-circle diameters, we offer the 118 BCD ring in 42 teeth. A stout ring, used but not very much wear at all. $25 shipped.
3) Nuovo Record rear derailer, Pat. 70, with the front derailer that hung on the bike with it, Pat. in the neighborhood of 70. , $75 shipped and pictures are available.
Info needed: what era is a campy chainring, 135 bcd, 42t, A5?
How does one identify those Simplex delrin derailers? I squint my
middle aged eyes on one here, and see Prestige-Simplex, Made in France
(so far, so good) BrevetG or Brevet6 and S.6.D.6. I also have the FD
and DT shifters (with Campy rubbers), and would appreciate any
estimate of value.
Brian Plaugher]