You could very well be correct, although Richard (Sachs) was
also speculating about Jan Legrand. But it seems like he could
even have been working in England at the time.
I brought up Serier because he was acquainted with a friend
of mine who lived in Amsterdam who often visited his shop. The
story I was told was that Serier claimed to have built the last
of the Dutch Team Raleigh bikes. Certainly, I would not vouch
for the veracity of this story since it's clearly not first
hand information.
But somewhere, there is someone who knows the entire story.
Of course, you and Richard would have been some of my top
choices for that individual, so if neither of you knows...
perhaps one of the British contributors will have the final
Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia
> From what I've read, the Dutch may have ridden 'em, but they
> were indeed British built!
> I have a "Cycling" magazine article on the Team bikes c. 1982
> and they visited Ilkeston and said how the frames being built
> there had the initials of the riders on the bottom brackets
> and they were all the famous Dutch riders.
> All this is of particular interest to me since I have bought
> that Ti Raleigh
> Team bike that was on eBay last month which was linked to
> Gerrie Knetemann.
> I've been told it's genuine team issue but not built for a
> particular rider
> and may have been an "extra". Anyway, should be here soon and
> we'll see...
> Kind rgds
> Peter