The early ones had aluminum bolts and yes broke and you fell off the back. I even saw some with the steel bolts brake at the mount that held the screws on a light woman rider but she did push the seat far back. Steven Willis 1778 East Second Street Scotch Plains NJ 07076 908-322-3330
> Good Fellows,
> One of the machines I was given has a Weyless Pillar. I recall that this
component made it onto the death bike list pretty early in the piece.
> Can anyone advise how dodgy this pillar is before I use it? I recall a few
racing mates using these without incident though it is light (185g...not far
off campag record carbon). Was the front screw perhaps prone to breakage
with the saddle set back as far as it would go..or something worse? Would it
be OK for light riders?
> Thanks
> Peter Janecek
> Sydney
> Australia
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