Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 22:42:28 -0400
From: "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue
References: <>

I'll disagree. If we don't get some younger enthusiasts and pass on the knowledge, the hobby will dwindle. That requires reaching a broader and younger base to spread knowledge.

In my opinion, lack of knowledge is why Pop Brennans are worth less than Cinellis. Demand for the, who knows, thirty or fifty Pop Brennans left in the world just isn't there. The knowledge base and interest about 1920s and 1930s racing bikes just evaporated. Some of that was WWII and some of it was elitism by those who knew the lore.

Overly exclusive clubs have this way of disappearing. At my undergraduate college, CCNY, the mechanical engineering honor society, Pi Tau Sigma, had ceased to exist. When I investigated the charter it stated the upper third of the class could belong. That turned out to be a 2.8 GPA and above. When I started working to revive the organization the professors were a bit horrified at this "low" standard. I pointed out that being too elitist had driven the organization out of business! Last I checked it was still thriving.

I don't see a mainstream problem. I'd love to see more younger people at our events. We need to make every effort to spread the knowledge about the bicycle heritage and attract broader interest.

Joe Bender-Zanoni
Great Notch, NJ

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: [CR]]Re: Bicycling magazine, Dec. issue

> " someplace 'paradise', kiss it goodbye".
> fr The Last Resort
> The Eagles
> maybe "we" don't want that?!
> i don't know.
> do we want the mainstream co-opting what,
> for many, for years, have been a hobby?
> chester, ct
> -- wrote:
> In a message dated 10/24/2004 10:46:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> <<'s two issues in a row that they have had vintage content as the
> November
> issue had a piece on Kopp's Cycles in Princeton. They were some of the
> earliest to import and sell Cinelli, Zeus and Campy, according to the
> article, and have, in the attic, some of Cino Cinelli's 690 rims.
> Perhaps we should give kudos to Rodale's editors and we just might
> start a trend or at least foster a "classics corner" in the mag, huh? >>
> Yes! I forgot about that bit covering Kopp's! You know, maybe we are such
> geeks after all? Maybe this vintage stuff has a broader appeal than we think?
> Wouldn't it be neat if we had a section each month in Bicycling that had
> something along these lines, like Cycling Plus from the UK has with Hilary Stone's
> Classics page and Roger St Pierres' reminisces?
> Maybe we should flood Bicycling's office with letters raving about this new
> trend? Maybe all us kids should get together and start a show and sing and
> dance and raise the money to save the orphanage? (Ooops, got carried away
> there..Sorry!)
> Back to reality..........
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, NC