Chuck wrote:
The seller says they were "factory drilled" but I don't think Italvega did this (or Campagnolo for that matter; pretty sure the seller is referring to Italvega and not Campagnolo when he says "factory drilled?).
I've seen rings drilled just like that on a number of different bikes, including Colnagos (whether that was OEM, who knows?)... seems to me if you're going to go to the trouble of drilling out chainrings, you'd do a whole mess of 'em and sell them far and wide, which is probably what happened with this ring pattern.
Some machine shop that did this stuff routinely probably drilled a bunch, and sold them to whoever wanted them.
Charles Andrews SoCal
#1. THE PROBLEM: We have "overshot" the carrying capacity of Earth and are on the edge of "die-off" -- possibly even "die-out". Probably no more than two billion people could be sustained indefinitely.
#2. THE REASON: We (like other animals) are programmed to overshoot in the presence of "exceptional" (more than average) food, water & health care, etc. The net energy derived from fossil fuel that enabled us to produce exceptional food, water, etc. is "peaking" now.
--Jay Hanson