>Speaking of Swallows, I have what I think is a 60's example of a Swallow-style saddle, but it is marked Wrights rather than Brooks. I seem to recall that Brooks absorbed Wrights, although I don't know when this occurred. Anyone know if the Wrights version was actually called Swallow, or anyone have an opinion of the quality/value of a Wrights version compared to the Brooks Swallow?
>Jerry Moos
>Houston, TX
Wright Saddle was a division of the British Cycle Corporation.Tube Investment was the parent company of B.C.C.,T.I. bought Raleigh in 1960 and Raleigh became the donimate in the cycle division.Wrigh contuned under Raleigh as the econo brand of saddle.Wrights are good quality British leather just not the very top of line as Brooks.From what I've seen the (econo)Wright saddle seem to use a lighter weight(thinner)leather than Brooks
sam lingo,pleasanton tx