Ricky Garni wrote:
> Dear Chuck,
> But the Luigino IS lugged steel!
Yes I know, Ricky. Please reread:
> > Chuck Schmidt wrote:
> > To me the
> > twin plate fork
> > crown and the Legnano paint job with seat bands etc.
> > on the Pegoretti is
> > a little too cute for a modern (current) bike
> > (lugged steel in this
> > case). Trying a little to hard to be hip? Kind of
> > like the current
> > crop of cars trading on the retro look?
Ricky, don't let me rain on your parade. The above is only my opinion. The retro look cars are selling like hot cakes too!!!
This snippet from present Luigino owners from a Pegoretti owners' site:
> The lugs are simple, crisp with good
> shorelines, not filed thin thin (as was the fashion in
> the 80s particularly)...
This is certainly an odd statement! What I remember of lugs in the 1980s was that hardly anyone was doing much filing anymore. Cutting down on the handwork to maximize production and their profit.
Anyone have examples of "thin thin filed lugs in the 80s particularly"?
Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California