Re: [CR]Bad Chip

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 15:00:30 -0800 (PST)
From: "Ted E. Baer" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Bad Chip
To: Jack Gabus <>,,
In-Reply-To: <>


I had a follow-up to Bob Hovey's reply. But when I wrote my reply I believe that I thing I worded it wrong.

Here is what I meant to say:

One of the bar-end plugs could be a rotary switch. Leave it in the "ON" position when you are on your way to or from work, while the bike is in the garage, shed, or backyard and you are in the house so as the path of the bike, or presence of the bike can be monitored via an Internet system.

If you decide that after work you want to go for a cruise, meet up with some friends, get drunk and go to a strip-joint, simply rotate the knob to the "OFF" position so you cannot be tracked.

But be careful where you go and what you do. About ten years ago, I was riding my PX-10 home from work wearing a pair of "penny-loafer" shoes as I forgot my cycling shoes. I stopped off at this pink building on El Camino in Redwood City called Golden Gate Books. I had to carry the bicycle inside and explain to this "Hell's Angel" behind the counter that it was a valuable a bike and that I did not have a lock. He said, "No problem." I stopped there because I was told they had these "peep-shows" where you put in some quarters, a door opens, and there are live women dancing around in front of you. So I went into what I thought was one of those, put in the quarters, and a projector above my head was projecting some sick 70's porn onto the wall. I was sitting there like what the....? All of the sudden, to my lower left, I heard this little voice saying, "Hey man, hey man..." It was really dark, but the projector lit up the wall. All of the sudden I see this dude's "privates" poke through the hole in the wall!!!!!!! It scared the living **** out of me!!!!! My adrenaline surged. I took one of my penny loafers off and struck "the object" with it so that the heel of the shoe turned "the thing" straight up against the wall. I hit it so hard that I could feel the impact of the heel onto the wood!!!!! The guy in the other booth screamed as if he had been shot!!! I pushed open the door to the little booth I was in and ran full speed out of the dark room and almost ripped down the curtains that separated the dark room from the main room!!! I grabbed the PX-10 with only one shoe on and bolted out the door!!! I rode the bike for about a mile (toward Palo Alto) with my heart pounding from shock before realized I was wearing one shoe and holding the other one. I think that sleazy dump is still there............ Now can you imagine if there were a little chip in that one penny loafer?

I only share that story will close friends as it is quite freaky.

Ted Baer
Palo Alto, CA

--- Jack Gabus wrote:

> Bob replied and wrote.
> >=20
> > I think someone ought to design, manufacture, and
> sell
> > some sort of tracking system.=A0 One could epoxy a
> tiny
> > water-proof "chip" way down in the seat tube.=A0
> Then,
> > the owner could have a "link" to the chip and look
> on
> > the internet to see exactly where his/her bike is
> > sitting/moving at any given time on a computer
> > enhanced map.
> >=20
> > Ted Baer
> > Palo Alto, CA
> >=20
> BAD, BAD, BAD idea. My wife knows how to use a
> computer too... you think=20=
> I=20
> want her knowing where I am all the time? Hell,
> that's one of the
> reasons=20=
> I=20
> got a bike in the first place.
> Bob Hovey
> columbus, GA
> My replies is "WHAT BOB HOVEY SAID!" That is why
> I cruise Pac Coast Hwy
> with my buds.....To gripe about my lovely wife.
> Jack W. Gabus, IIDA, CID
> Partner
> Sherman Gabus, Inc.
> PH. 562/426.0118
> FX. 562/424.2327
> MB. 310/490.3784
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