[CR]Re: Sturmey Archer...

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

From: <ABikie@aol.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 23:39:04 EST
To: sachs@erols.com, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Re: Sturmey Archer...

In a message dated 12/18/2004 10:12:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, sachs@erols.com writes: Q: What's more frustrating than losing one of the darned #K64 pawl springs from a Sturmey Archer hub? A: Finding half of one... :-(

Anyone have a stash? (In fact, what I was working on was a common FW, 4-speed, wide range unit from a '49 Lenton. I had a bit of trouble - still do - with some excess drag in the freewheeling mechanism, so I opened a later ('64) spare, for comparison. That's the one with a broken K64, FWIW. Not sure if it is good news or bad that almost all the parts are identical, but a couple of things had been simplified...)

Q: How many different types of cog-mounts or "drivers" have there been?

A: Well, most of us have seen the the quasi-universal variety with three notches in the body and three matching protrusions in the cogs. Easy change-over with just a spring holding things in place. Before that there was a unit with something like 12 splines and a lock ring. What I found today, I think, on the older FW, was a pure threaded-on cog. Maybe that's the one that allowed building up with a 2- or 3-speed cog assembly for a derailleur assist. I haven't messed with one of those for decades, and don't regret it at all.

Q: If taking apart FW is insanity (as we have discussed), where does that put breaking down SA hubs, and only doing it every few years, so you forget how?

A: On a rationality scale from 1 - 10, about a -5.

Your mileage may vary

harvey sachs I have those springs somewhere inthe haystacks and the good news is we are now lighted by the grid, not as handheld. I had the recent chalenge of having to assemble a basket case Shimano 60's 3 banger hub and did a mini consult w9th my ol Schwinn book and some original Sutherlands books.

You are welcome to the books any time

While i have your attention, I am seeking for an old friend a Carlton-labeled bike or a Raleigh/Carlton Competition, not the GS. 21.5-23.5 in good to new condition, I would like to ship it to Florida before year's end. Larry Black
