At 09:17 AM 2/6/2004 -0800, Bruce Schrader ushered forth:
>Even if you use the Park BT-3 or similar device and
>bend the caliper arm without marring the finish, you
>will still have to bend in again once the toe in has
>worn off. The natural wear pattern will flatten out
>and the toe in will go away in time. If you grind the
>pads at an angle, you won't have to bend the
>arms...EVER... and the pads can be refaced repeatedly
>and then replaced when they're worn out completely and
>the brake calipers will still be perfect.
Another way to accomplish roughly the same thing is to initially set the caliper arms to toe in a bit and then move the brake pads from side to side as they wear. This is what I do, and I'm as cheap as they come :-)
Apologies for not mentioning it in my first response.
Regards, Dave Baseley, from the flood zone that is Berks County PA