Re: [CR]Re: bike sizing

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Chater-Lea)

From: "Angel M Garcia" <>
To: <>
References: <a052106cabc9b18407671@[]>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: bike sizing
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 13:16:33 -0400

I don't have Rik Vanwalleghem's "Eddy Merckx" book handy but he definitely refers to Merckx changing his position on the bike after his injury. The position was an effort to relieve pain more than anything else. Angel Garcia Long Valley, NJ


> >Certain Merckx benefited from Colnago's ideas...I'm quite
> >sure the high saddle and low bars Merckx used routinely
> >was one reason he was so hard to beat...and notice how
> >all the other riders started copying his set-up.
> >
> >Charles
> Hi Charles,
> Interesting points. However, I would think Merckx could lover his
> handlebars because he was so strong, not the other way around!
> Jan Heine, Seattle
>Might be getting a little off track but I wonder how much his broken pelvis
>changed his position on the bike. Anybody got any before and after shots? And,
>if it did were other
>rides more inclinded to follow and mimic hos position due to his success?? I
>think his accident was in 1969.

Mike Wilkinson
Castle Rock, CO