Re: [CR]de rosa on ebay

(Example: Production Builders:Teledyne)

Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2004 00:14:16 -0800
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]de rosa on ebay
References: <003501c4782a$bde41ee0$6401a8c0@oemcomputer>

BRAVO!!! Charles.

Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California

"C. Andrews" wrote:
> Dave Anderson wrote in part:
> "Always go to show, some people do
> have more money than brains! Hopefully the winning bidder
> doesn't read this
> email, as he probably has a Very Big case of buyers remorse
> about now.
> cheers-
> Dave Anderson
> Cut Bank MT"
> ********
> Gee Dave, does this mean the next time you post something
> inane to the list, I can simply post to the list that you
> have no brains, period?? <grin>
> Would you have said this to me if we'd been in Dale's living
> room together? I think not. Seems to me you might think
> about what you'd say to my face, before you say it to the
> list. And if you'd been willing to say what you've been
> posting to the list, to my face, then fair enough, but that
> still doesn't make it polite.
> I did win that De Rosa, and I'm hoping it's what I think it
> is.. there are a couple of anomalies about it that have me
> and a couple of other people scratching our heads. Still, I
> believe it's just what Steve Maaslands and Mike Kone said it
> is: a rather rare mid-70s frame, that I will enjoy very
> much, and if it is what we believe it is, I feel it's worth
> every penny. Sure, I wish I'd gotten it for less..and I
> have to confess to a certain amount of curiosity about the
> second-highest bidder *vernbren* someone I've never seen on
> ebay before (makes a person wonder, you
> know?)...nonetheless, no buyer's remorse here. I think it's
> a cool piece, and I'll enjoy it.
> I've seen exactly two of these in the flesh over the past 8
> years, and both were utterly charming in every way.
> Neither was for sale. They are really, really, REALLY hard
> to find. Impossible, to tell you the truth.
> The racing provenance of these frames in that period makes
> them especially charming to me.
> I'd rather have this frame (I also managed to get the parts
> that go with it, that the seller was selling), and make it
> into a complete bike, than any number of Raleighs, Peugeots,
> or other production bikes of the same period, even in
> perfect original condition. Those are easy to find,
> comparatively. A frame like this is very, very rare. And
> I like rarities.
> If it's not legit, then I have egg on my face, but, hey, it
> wouldn't be the first time. <grin> But, I think it's the
> real deal.
> And Dave... a little more civility would be appreciated, you
> know?
> Charles Andrews
> SoCal
> "... it became clear to me that our present economic system
> was totally unsustainable and self-destructive.
> It seemed little more than a well-organized
> method for converting natural resources
> into garbage."
> -- Jay Hanson