Re: [CR]Should we take up a pool? Original run Carlsbad Masi on eBay

(Example: Events:BVVW)

Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2004 22:37:33 -0400
From: "Joe Bender-Zanoni" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Should we take up a pool? Original run Carlsbad Masi on eBay
References: <>

My response to the straight edge pictures:

Dude, the bulge is at the BOTTOM. And you don't need a straight edge to see it.

Joe Bender-Zanoni
Great Notch, NJ

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: [CR]Should we take up a pool? Original run Carlsbad Masi on


> That top tube looks like it might be damaged to me - note the apparent ripple in it about 1" aft of the headtube lug points in the right-hand image. Can't see the downtube well enough to say for sure either way, but it looks like perhaps another ripple about the same distance behind that lug.
> I'd have to see and feel it in person to confirm it, and of course I could be wrong, but I'm about 70% sure just from that image. Try running your fingers across that area - you might be able to feel the undulations in the tube if they are present.
> Regards,
> Greg Parker
> Ann Arbor, Michigan
> Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2004 17:12:42 -0700
> From: Peter vanBeckum <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [CR]Should we take up a pool? Original run Carlsbad Masi on
> It's my listing on eBay, and there is no attempt to deceive anybody.
> Richard knows the frame because he was once interested in buying it for
> a resto project, like his other 2. I've never met him, just know of his
> reputation. I shipped it to him. Then he told me that he suspected
> there was a crash in the frame's history. So, he would not be willing
> to pay my asking price. He still wanted to buy it, just for less.
> Since I wasn't ready to sell it for less, he shipped it back.
> I stripped the rattle-can purple paint off of the frame, using a great
> deal of time and care. Not once did I ever find an indication of damage
> or rework. All of the brazing looks perfect to me. Trying to respect
> Dale's guidelines, it is hard for me not to say that maybe Richard
> wasn't up front with me in the first place. Let's not go there.
> Today, i took some additional pictures of the frame. Since, I can't
> edit the eBay listing as there are bids, the pics are posted at a free
> pic hosting service. What I did was take a metal straight-edged ruler
> and hold it against the top tube and down tube, all the way around.
> There aren't gaps and bulges. You can see the pics at -
> Since i am
> definitely not an expert on frames, this was my best attempt to
> substantiate my claim that the frame is in good shape. If someone can
> suggest another more precise method, just let me know.
> Thank you.
> Peter vanbeckum
> Redwood City, CA
> mint 1975 California Masi
> Colnago
> DeRosa
> Nishiki Pro - daily rider
> > In the automotive world, having been informed by an expert that a vehicle
> > had been involved in a collision, then attempting to hide that information
> > from a potential buyer constitutes fraud. Failure to disclose problems with
> > a house that is for sale also constitutes fraud. I don't see why it would be
> > any different for a bicycle.
> >
> > It sure looks to me like a case of attempt to perpetrate fraud, as the
> > seller must know that a damaged frame is worth significantly less than an
> > undamaged one.
> >
> > Steve Barner, not a lawyer, but not buying any bent Masis either,

> > Vermont