> -- My Alex Singer came with a length of metal rod > that fits through the holes which then basically > works like a T handle to loosen/tighten the stem > bolt. I'm very careful not to lose it. > > Perhaps you could find something at the local > hardware store ? > Or maybe through Jan Heine's contact with M. Csuka you > could get a replacement.
Well, you can find "official" Johnson Bars and Tommy Bars being offered by Internet hardware vendors. Of course those would be American or British sites and the bars would, no doubt, be made in China unless they were NOS.
But now we have Tommy Bar stems not longer after "discovering" Tommy Bar pedals. Who knew?
Now that I think of it, I have one from Sears Craftsman that is an accessory for a socket wrench set. I suppose you could order one from them but that seems like overkill for what is simply a piece of steel rod. Best regards, Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia