Re: [CR]Carlton International pictures?

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 09:28:37 -0400
From: "Larry Osborn" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Carlton International pictures?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>

At 12:27 AM 5/12/2005, you wrote:
>I'm looking for online photos of Carlton
>Internationals. I checked the archives (I only mention
>this for Chuck's sake), and the couple of links I
>found there appear to have expired.
>All suggestions appreciated.
>Dave Ross
>Portola "spring may finally be here" Valley, CA

Dave, et al Ooooooh dontchya hate when that happens. But nothing last forever, especially in cyberspace. Just a tip from your paranoid ol Uncle Lar. Save or print on-line pictures & info you think you might need later for reference.

The Old School Cycles site does indeed seem to have disappeared, but I think I have the Int picture from that site. Were there other similar sites that you checked that are no longer there? I can't remember any right at the moment that had Int pics, but it is a bit early in the day for me to remember anything.

Also see Chuck's Velo Rendezvous archive photos from the 2003 event. Pic at the bottom of page 1 of the photos is Chris Cleveland's 58 Int. I should have bought that frame. It looks much nicer now than it did when I saw it for sale. It is a stunner.

Also three pics from Dales Cirque swap & show photos of Paul Lee's chrome & blue Int Clubman. I think Paul added the red fenders. If it had been my size.......

I have also saved pics from ebay auctions of Carlton Ints, and any other bikes/pics I've stumbled across if you would like them. Some are original paint, some are repaints. Some are nice, some are hideous. Hilary Stone did a thing on the Int a few years back for his Design Classics series in Cycling Plus. And there was a blurb in an old BuyCycling magazine about a 63 Int. I have both articles scanned and can send them to you. Those two files are a bit large though.

Does that sound a bit obsessive? Yeah, well, could be worse. If the cops ever confiscate my puter looking for evidence, they're going to be VERY disappointed.

Larry "Someday I'll have a real Carlton Int instead of just these dirty pictures" Osborn Morgantown WV