Re: [CR]ebay outing: NOS Condor whoa nelly!!!!!!!!!!!

(Example: Events)

Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 14:26:00 -0700
From: "Kurt Sperry" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]ebay outing: NOS Condor whoa nelly!!!!!!!!!!!
In-Reply-To: <BAY102-F11921FE5BEA6E7889C83F9DDF10@phx.gbl>
References: <005501c56ef5$370fea80$6401a8c0@oemcomputer>

To point out the obvious it isn't NOS, but little matter. This frame and th e "engraved" (and engraved seems more apt than panto'd judging by the look-

note how the heads are looking opposite directions on the seat pillar and

the stem) parts I find utterly charming. Where does the flamboyance of thes e British frames spring from? I think of British cars and motorcycles of the

period as frequently idiosynchratically attractive designs with tasteful brightwork, almost always clothed in colors more suited to a Savile Row men's shop than the circus palette seen in so many classic British bicycles . I also find the lugwork on this condor a really happy medium between an understated Continental-style and more over the top full on Magnum Opus-type. In mild awe, Kurt Sperry Bellingham WA

On 6/12/05, Larry Hakim <> wrote:
> Very cool indeed! Looks identical to the Condor that graced a 70's editio n
> of 'Richard's Bike Book'. I love the receipt photo too. Condors were amon g
> the pricier British marques but those prices make me look back with
> nostalgia. Oddly I've kept my Condor receipt too!
> Larry Hakim
> Temporarily in rained-out Pontotoc, MS
> >From: "C. Andrews" <>
> >To: <>
> >Subject: [CR]ebay outing: NOS Condor whoa nelly!!!!!!!!!!!
> >Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2005 19:19:51 -0700
> >
> >Whew. What a frame. Has this been outed already? If so,
> >my apologies.
> >
> >
><blah> 1583055&rd=1
> >
> >Man, I'm glad it's not my size...I'm tempted to bid on it
> >just to hang it on the
> >wall as sculpture.
> >
> >Another tall one; nearly 60cm.
> >
> >Hey Jay, isn't this about your size????
> >
> >I hope someone on the list buys it and brings it to the Velo
> >in the Fall... the theme is fancy brit bikes after all.
> >This would be a belle at the ball.
> >
> >Charles Andrews
> >SoCal
> >
> >
> >"What concerns me is not the way things are,
> > but rather the way people think things are."
> >
> >- Epictitus
> >
> >
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> _______________________________________________
